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About this publication
About the authors
Note of appreciation
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The Series publishes analytical studies and research reports in the broad area of Connectedness. This includes cross-economy activities, such as the penetration and use of the Internet and electronic commerce, as well as industries in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector, such as telecommunications, broadcasting and Internet services. It offers a statistical perspective in these emerging phenomena that are transforming the economic and societal landscape.
All papers are subject to peer and institutional review, as well as review by subject matter experts, as necessary.
Ben Veenhof and George Sciadas are with the Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, and Yvan Clermont is with the Centre for Education Statistics at Statistics Canada.
The Connectedness Series is produced under the direction of Paula Thomson, Director, Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, and edited by Ben Veenhof. The authors thank the Review Committee, as well as the following persons for their comments on this paper: George Sciadas, Heidi Ertl, Anik Lacroix, Fred Gault, Larry McKeown, Daniel April, Marcel Bechard and Susan Crompton from Statistics Canada; Kristen Berg, Jeffrey Boase, Juan-Antonio Carrasco, Christian Catalini, Jessica Collins, Jennifer Kayahara, Tracy Kennedy, Guang Ying Mo, Paul Seaborn, and Sinye Tang from the University of Toronto; and Helen Hua Wang from the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California. The authors also thank Lucienne Sabourin and Heather Berrea for their assistance with production and dissemination.
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Connectedness Series
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Catalogue no. 56F0004M, no. 12
Frequency: occasional
ISBN: 978-1-100-12877-1
ISSN: 1492-7918