Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Aircraft Movement Statistics, Monthly

October 2007


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Transport Canada, TP 1496, ASC-SB-346

Airports with NAV CANADA Air Traffic Control Towers

The 42 Canadian airports with NAV CANADA air traffic control towers reported 442,810 aircraft take-offs and landings in October, up 15.0% compared with October 2006 (385,200 movements). This marked the seventeenth consecutive increase in year-over-year monthly comparisons. Year-over-year increases in aircraft movements were reported by 35 of these airports in October 2007. The variations ranged from 74.0% for Gander International to -9.8% for St-Jean, Quebec.

Itinerant movements (flights from one airport to another) increased by 8.3% (+22,563 movements) in October 2007 compared with the same month a year earlier. Local movements (flights that remain in the vicinity of the airport) increased by 30.6% (+35,047 movements) in October 2007 compared with October 2006.

In terms of itinerant movements, the year-over-year variations for October ranged from a 50.0% increase (+793 movements) for Oshawa to a decline of 10.2% (-368 movements) for Pitt Meadows, British Columbia. Thirty-four airports recorded increases in itinerant movements compared to 29 airports in September 2007.

In terms of local movements, the year-over-year variations for October ranged from a 112.4% increase (+1,882 movements) for Gander International to a 37.5% decrease (-638 movements) for Regina International. Twenty-nine airports recorded increases in local movements compared to 28 airports in September 2007.

The data in this bulletin represent preliminary monthly statistics for airports with NAV CANADA air traffic control towers.

More detailed statistics for airports with NAV CANADA air traffic control towers and flight service stations will be released in the Aircraft Movement Statistics: NAV CANADA Towers and Flight Service Stations, Vol. 1, (51-007-XWE, free).

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Aviation Statistics Centre, Statistics Canada (1-866-500-8400; fax: 613-951-0010). Internet: