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Aircraft movements statistics
May 2004

Statistics Canada Table Viewer

Statistics Canada has created a Table Viewer, a tool that enables publication subscribers to view and extract publication tables. The Table Viewer is a small, no-charge software application that lets you: 

  • View, manipulate and print tables 
  • Save the tables locally 
  • Export in several formats, including Excel spreadsheets. 
Minimum System Requirements

Bullet A 486 or higher processor
Bullet Microsoft Windows 95/98 operating system or Microsoft Windows NT operating system 3.51 or later
Bullet 4 MB of memory for Windows 95/98
Bullet 12 MB of memory for Windows NT
Bullet 2 MB of hard disk space
Bullet VGA or higher-resolution video adapter
Bullet Mouse or compatible pointing device.


Download Statistics Canada's Table Viewer (File name: cvinstal.exe, Size: 1.67 MB, Download Time: 1 minute 45 seconds at 14.4Kps).


Please print these instructions prior to starting the installation process since you will be asked to shut down your Web Browser during the installation.
Users can choose to run the installation program directly from Statistics Canada’s server (Option A below), or can download the executable file to their computer to run the installation (Option B). 

Option A: (Recommended)

  1. Click on Table Viewer

  2. Choose ‘Run this program from its current location’.

  3. Click on the ‘Unzip’ button from the self-extraction window to start the installation process. 

  4. Select the language of choice from the drop down menu and click 'O.K.'. 
Directions will then be provided by the installation program. We suggest accepting the default file location for installation purposes. 

Option B:

  1. Click on Table Viewer

  3. Choose 'Save program to disk'. 

  5. Choose the location you wish to save the program to, then click on the ‘Save’ button to begin downloading the self-extracting zipped file. 
    • TAKE NOTE of the folder and file name, as you will need them for the next step. 

  6. Run the file you just downloaded (CVINSTAL.EXE). 

    • For Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4 users, click on the 'Start' button, select 'Run' then select 'Browse...' and locate the file CVINSTAL.EXE, click on 'Open' and then click on 'O.K.'; 
    • For Windows NT 3.5x users, select 'Run' from the Program Manager's 'File' menu. A 'Browse' dialog box will appear. Locate the file CVINSTAL.EXE, click on 'Open' and then click on 'O.K.'. 

  8. Click on the ‘Unzip’ button from the self-extraction window to start the installation process. 

  10. Select the language of choice from the drop down menu and click 'O.K.'. 
Directions will then be provided by the installation program. We suggest accepting the default file location for installation purposes.
Take Note of the 'Destination Folder' as you may need it the first time you access a Table. 


Message: "Warning: There is a possible security hazard here.
This message appears whenever a user selects a download link.  You have two options:

  • Select "Save it to disk" which will download and save the Table onto your hard drive for viewing at any time, or;
  • Select "Open it" option to view the table now (Note: the table will not be saved to your hard drive) 

Message: "Unknown File Type
This message may appear the first time you access a Table.

  • Click on the 'Pick App' button; a dialog box with the title "Configure External Viewer" will appear.

  • Click on 'Browse'; then locate Tblview.exe. The default installation path is C:\Windows\Start Menu\Program\Cals Viewer\Cals Viewer\Cals Viewer 
    Once you have located and highlighted Cals Viewer, click on 'Open', or;
  • Select "Save File..." which will download the Table onto your hard drive.


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Date Modified: 2004-06-22 Important Notices
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