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Aircraft movements, by tower category, by province and territory, 2013
Table Summary
This table shows the distribution of annual aircraft movements at NAV CANADA Towers and Flight Service Stations for 2013. The rows in this table provide detailed information by province and territory on the number of airports, itinerant and local aircraft movements. The column headers indicate the number of aircraft movements for NAV CANADA towers and Flight Service Stations by tower category. There is also a column reflecting the percentage change between 2012 and 2013 by class of operation.
  NAV CANADA Towers NAV CANADA flight service stations
Airports Itinerant movements Percentage change 2012 to 2013 Local movements Percentage change 2012 to 2013 Airports Itinerant movements Percentage change 2012 to 2013 Local movements Percentage change 2012 to 2013
  number % number % number % number %
Newfoundland and Labrador 2 63,403 3.0 14,192 22.1 2 37,709 -6.8 1,362 -55.4
Prince Edward Island 0 ... ... ... ... 1 11,067 -1.0 1,590 30.3
Nova Scotia 1 80,091 -1.0 3,676 -3.9 0 .. .. .. ..
New Brunswick 2 80,983 6.2 72,150 11.5 1 13,596 -2.3 3,572 -7.6
Quebec 5 425,959 -3.0 187,441 0.1 9 115,380 -9.1 56,707 -8.0
Ontario 11 944,860 -2.9 337,716 -4.7 7 151,806 -6.1 60,847 -14.2
Manitoba 2 151,631 -0.8 73,204 5.4 3 48,388 -7.3 9,656 -0.3
Saskatchewan 2 108,202 2.1 40,461 -0.2 2 38,391 2.9 3,977 37.9
Alberta 6 570,869 1.7 137,874 -2.3 8 123,756 0.7 71,802 0.6
British Columbia 9 669,864 -0.3 327,838 -2.7 14 211,687 -1.0 59,848 -4.4
Yukon 1 19,383 -1.7 9,688 4.4 0 ... ... ... ...
Northwest Territories 1 42,543 -12.8 9,422 -22.5 2 25,677 -10.8 5,717 26.0
Nunavut 0 ... ... ... ... 2 30,466 -6.2 752 -7.3
Total 42 3,157,788 -1.0 1,213,662 -1.4 51 807,923 -4.0 275,830 -5.7
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