Monthly Aircraft Movements: Small airports - Airports without NAV CANADA Towers or Flight Service Stations, September 2015

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Release date: January 15, 2016


In September 2015, take-offs and landings at 127 Canadian airports without air traffic control towers reached a total of 58,268 movements. Eight airports, each with more than 1,500 movements, accounted for 32% of the month’s activity: Peterborough, Ontario (5,683 movements), Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador (2,898), Red Lake, Ontario (1,914), Comox, British Columbia (1,838), Trois-Rivières, Quebec (1,698), Tillsonburg, Ontario (1,635), Sherbrooke, Quebec (1,566) and Moosonee, Ontario (1,509).

Total aircraft movements for the 125 airports for which year over year comparisons were possible fell to 58,206 from 61,996 in September 2014. The large declines in Peterborough (-2,407 movements) and Muskoka, Ontario (-1,157) were sufficient to offset increases in Drummondville, Quebec (+658), Rimouski, Quebec (+625) and Sherbrooke (+419).

During September 2015, there were 43,426 itinerant movements (flights from one airport to another) reported by 108 airports, with Goose Bay (2,898 movements), Comox (1,838) and Red Lake (1,836) recording the greatest number.

Fifty-seven airports reported 12,420 local movements (flights that remain in the vicinity of the airport). Peterborough remained the most active site with 5,163 take-offs and landings. Activity at this airport represented 42% of the total local movements reported.

Factors influencing the data

  1. Aggregate data only are available for the following 19 airports reported by Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation:

    • Berens River
    • Bloodvein River
    • Brochet
    • Cross Lake
    • God’s Lake Narrows
    • God’s River
    • Ilford
    • Lac Brochet
    • Little Grand Rapids
    • Oxford House
    • Pikwitonei
    • Poplar River
    • Pukatawagan
    • Red Sucker Lake
    • Shamattawa
    • South Indian Lake
    • Tadoule Lake
    • Thicket Portage
    • York Landing

  2. Aggregate data only are available for the following 12 airports reported by the Kativik Regional Government in Quebec:

    • Akulivik
    • Aupaluk
    • Inukjuak
    • Ivujivik
    • Kangiqsualujjuaq
    • Kangiqsujuaq
    • Kangirsuk
    • Puvirnituq
    • Quaqtaq
    • Salluit
    • Tasiujaq
    • Umiujaq

  3. Aggregate data only are available for Tillsonburg, Ontario.

  4. When comparing monthly data for current year versus previous year, please note that:

    1. Data for the following airports were included in the report for September 2014 but were not available for September 2015 at the time of the release of this report.

      Akulivik, Quebec
      Déline, Northwest Territories
      Grise Fiord, Nunavut
      La Romaine, Quebec

    2. Data for the following airports were included in September 2015 but not in September 2014.

      Beaver Creek, Yukon
      Kimmirut, Nunavut
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