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Canadian potato production

Volume 1, number 1, July 2003


Demand for processing potatoes continues to push Canadian potato area higher. Preliminary 2003 potato area is estimated to be 448,500 acres (181 500 hectares), up 3.2% from the previous year’s estimate of 434,400 acres (175 900 hectares). Again, Manitoba led the increase up 10.6% to 94,000 acres (38 000 hectares). Alberta is up 4.8% to 65,000 acres (26 300 hectares). Prince Edward Island showed the largest decrease, down 2.8% to 106,000 acres (42 900 hectares).

Data tables


The preliminary potato area estimate for the current year is based upon data from sample surveys or consultation with provincial vegetable or potato specialists.

Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

The Potato Area Survey, a probability telephone survey conducted in June, is the primary source of survey information. Results from the June Atlantic Survey and the Fruit and Vegetable Area Survey are also incorporated into the estimate.

Quebec, Ontario and Alberta

The estimates for these provinces are provided by their provincial departments of agriculture.

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia

The preliminary area estimate is provided by the Fruit and Vegetable Area Survey and the June Crop Survey. Both surveys are probability area surveys.

For further information on concepts, methods, and data quality, see the November release of the Canadian Potato Production Bulletin.

Conversion factors

The following metric conversion factors are used in this publication:
Area: 1 acre = 0.40469 hectare
Production: 1 cwt = 0.04536 tonne

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