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Stocks of principal field crops at March 31, 2010

As of March 31st, total stocks of principal field crops such as canola, wheat excluding durum, barley and oats were below the same date in 2009. Stocks fell mostly as a result of reduced crop production in 2009. By contrast, total soybean stocks were above levels of one year ago because of augmented production in 2009.

Total stocks of canola stood at 5.4 million metric tonnes, down 11.6 % or 711,000 tonnes from March 31, 2009. Canola supplies were down as a result of a 6.5% production decline in 2009. Total on-farm stocks were down by 9.8% to 4.5 million tonnes while commercial stocks declined 19.1% to 932,000 tonnes.

Total stocks of wheat excluding durum dropped by 11.5% to 11.1 million tonnes, the result of an 8.6% drop in production in the fall of 2009. On-farm stocks were lowered by 20.6% to 7.3 million tonnes compared to March 31 of 2009 while commercial stocks increased by 13.3% to 3.8 million tonnes.

Total stocks of soybeans reached 1.4 million tonnes, up 14.5% from March 31, 2009. The increase in stocks was due to a record 3.5 million tonne production in 2009.

In Ontario, on-farm stocks of soybeans rose 34.6% to 525,000 tonnes, while Quebec stocks decreased 7.4% to 125,000 tonnes.