Table 3.1.2
Selected statistics on water supply and demand, Pacific Coastal drainage region

Table 3.1.2  
Selected statistics on water supply and demand, Pacific Coastal drainage region
Table summary
This table displays the results of Selected statistics on water supply and demand Population, 1971, Population, 2011, Density, 1971, Density, 2011, Surface freshwater intake, 2013, Average annual water yield, 1971 to 2013, Water yield per area, 1971 to 2013, Water yield variability index, 1971 to 2013 and Average annual evapotranspiration, 1981 to 2010, calculated using persons, persons/km2, million m3, km3, m3/m2 and monthly CV units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Population, 1971 Population, 2011 Density, 1971 Density, 2011 Surface freshwater intake, 2013Table 3.1.2 Note 1 Average annual water yield, 1971 to 2013Table 3.1.2 Note 2 Water yield per area, 1971 to 2013Table 3.1.2 Note 2 Water yield variability index,Table 3.1.2 Note 3 1971 to 2013Table 3.1.2 Note 2 Average annual evapotranspiration, 1981 to 2010Table 3.1.2 Note 4
persons persons/km2 million m3 km3 m3/m2 monthly CV m3/m2
Canada 21,568,311 33,476,688 2.4 3.8 33,464.7 3,478.2 0.35 1.05 0.23
Pacific Coastal 913,522 1,505,007 2.9 4.7 617.3 510.2 1.53 0.50 0.26
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