Table 2.2
Average annual water yield and selected statistics by drainage region, 1971 to 2013

Table 2.2
Average annual water yield and selected statistics by drainage region, 1971 to 2013
Table summary
This table displays the results of Average annual water yield and selected statistics by drainage region code, Total area, Population, 2011, Average annual water yield, 1971 to 2013, Water yield per area, 1971 to 2013, Water yield per capita, 1971 to 2013, Water yield variability index, 1971 to 2013 and Average annual evapotranspiration, 1981 to 2010, calculated using km2, persons, km3, m3/m2, m3/person and monthly CV units of measure (appearing as column headers).
code Total areaTable 2.2 Note 1 Population, 2011 Average annual water yield, 1971 to 2013Table 2.2 Note 2 Water yield per area, 1971 to 2013Table 2.2 Note 2 Water yield per capita, 1971 to 2013 Water yield variability index, 1971 to 2013Table 2.2 Note 3 Average annual evapotranspiration, 1981 to 2010Table 2.2 Note 4
km2 persons km3 m3/m2 m3/person monthly CV m3/m2
Canada Note ...: not applicable 9,978,923 33,476,688 3,478.2 0.35 103,899 1.05 0.23
Pacific Coastal 1 334,455 1,505,007 510.2 1.53 339,002 0.50 0.26
Fraser–Lower Mainland 2 233,104 2,336,941 129.3 0.55 55,337 0.83 0.33
Okanagan–Similkameen 3 15,603 327,548 4.3 0.27 13,070 1.44 0.41
Columbia 4 87,323 160,896 67.9 0.78 422,042 1.04 0.41
Yukon 5 332,906 32,280 106.0 0.32 3,283,759 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 0.14
Peace–Athabasca 6 485,145 406,303 99.5 0.21 244,789 1.01 0.31
Lower Mackenzie 7 1,330,490 52,844 246.3 0.19 4,660,913 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 0.17
Arctic Coast–Islands 8 1,764,280 20,133 231.3 0.13 11,488,870 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 0.11
Missouri 9 27,096 8,439 0.5 0.02 62,660 2.14 0.33
North Saskatchewan 10 150,151 1,559,613 10.4 0.07 6,700 1.04 0.34
South Saskatchewan 11 177,623 2,168,447 10.3 0.06 4,732 1.10 0.34
Assiniboine–Red 12 190,704 1,464,936 8.4 0.04 5,702 2.49 0.39
Winnipeg 13 107,655 82,775 25.9 0.24 312,611 0.87 0.40
Lower Saskatchewan–Nelson 14 360,887 216,586 51.7 0.14 238,501 0.92 0.32
Churchill 15 313,568 94,292 51.0 0.16 541,004 0.75 0.24
Keewatin–Southern Baffin Island 16 939,569 13,968 192.0 0.20 13,745,664 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 0.13
Northern Ontario 17 691,809 134,355 199.2 0.29 1,482,638 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 0.31
Northern Quebec 18 940,193 109,239 516.3 0.55 4,726,324 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 0.18
Great Lakes 19 317,860 11,287,184 133.3 0.42 11,806 0.72 0.48
Ottawa 20 146,353 1,957,937 64.3 0.44 32,858 0.80 0.47
St. Lawrence 21 118,733 6,583,552 72.3 0.61 10,983 0.76 0.39
North Shore–Gaspé 22 369,095 508,869 290.4 0.79 570,600 0.91 0.27
Saint John–St. Croix 23 41,903 413,581 29.8 0.71 72,156 0.89 0.48
Maritime Coastal 24 122,057 1,515,262 103.6 0.85 68,343 1.03 0.47
Newfoundland–Labrador 25 380,361 515,698 324.2 0.85 628,662 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 0.23
Newfoundland (Island)Table 2.2 Note 5 Note ...: not applicable 111,186 487,808 125.6 1.13 257,404 0.62 0.34
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