
Human Activity and the Environment 2016 was prepared by the Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division under the direction of Kevin Roberts (Director), Carolyn Cahill (Assistant Director), François Soulard (Chief), Jennie Wang (Editor), Mark Henry (Water Accounts Manager) and Gabriel Gagnon (Data Production Manager).

Data production, analysis and reporting were performed by:

Mark Henry, Hugo Larocque, Haileigh McDonald, Jennie Wang

Recognition is given to the following people and areas for their support in data development, translation, map and infographic production, review and dissemination of this report:

Catherine Burpee, Matthew Belyea, Chantal Chalifoux, Kathy Charbonneau, Shannon Davis, Wilfreda Edward-Dolcy, Giuseppe Filoso, Jeff Fritzche, Conrad Jorge, Cindy Le Cavalier, John Marshall, Terry Nelligan, Shreya Nemani, Matthew Prescott, Joseph Prince, Lukasz Quinn, Jeffery Robillard, Joe St. Lawrence, Katharine Strong, Rebecca Tock and Translation and Editing Services.

The support and co-operation of the following federal departments is also gratefully acknowledged:

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Ian Campbell

Environment and Climate Change Canada: Jean-François Bibeau, Fawziah (ZuZu) Gadallah, Martha Guy, Vincent Mercier, Dennis O’Farrell, Al Pietroniro

Natural Resources Canada: Darren Janzen

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