Table A.1
Land cover and land use by census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 1971, 1991, 2001 and 2011

Table A.1-1 Land cover and land use by census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 1971
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table A.1-1 Land cover and land use by census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 1971. CMA Total land area, CMA-E Total land area, 1971, CMA, CMA-E, Total built-up area, Arable, Natural and semi-natural, Settled, Roads and Settled , calculated using square kilometres units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  CMANote 1

Total land area
CMA-ENote 2Note 3

Total land area
Total built-up areaNote 4 Total built-up areaNote 4 ArableNote 5 Natural and semi-naturalNote 6
Settled Roads Settled Roads
square kilometres
Abbotsford–Mission 605 5,313 11 7 37 23 470 4,783
Barrie 898 3,766 14 10 54 40 1,310 2,363
Brantford 1,073 4,196 24 20 137 96 2,363 1,600
Calgary 5,108 12,444 158 116 162 170 6,172 5,940
Edmonton 9,427 19,900 185 157 189 225 10,501 8,984
Greater Sudbury 3,411 35,921 60 26 86 65 353 35,416
Guelph 594 2,599 22 13 68 44 1,289 1,198
Halifax 5,496 16,127 96 52 100 68 166 15,793
Hamilton 1,372 4,944 125 62 332 179 2,201 2,232
Kelowna 2,905 8,145 8 4 8 5 180 7,951
Kingston 1,939 5,409 25 18 30 27 1,154 4,198
Kitchener–Cambridge–Waterloo 827 3,240 80 38 181 101 1,722 1,237
London 2,666 8,361 104 63 135 118 5,771 2,337
Moncton 2,406 5,941 17 13 21 21 214 5,685
Montréal 4,258 10,186 520 235 581 294 4,201 5,110
Oshawa 904 4,496 51 26 126 76 1,782 2,512
Ottawa–Gatineau (Ont.)Note 9 3,287 8,411 153 65 185 95 3,614 4,517
Ottawa–Gatineau (Que.)Note 9 3,000 7,817 41 25 45 32 1,014 6,726
Peterborough 1,507 4,167 21 17 23 23 925 3,196
Québec 3,349 8,532 120 62 134 76 1,281 7,041
Regina 3,408 15,899 46 56 61 149 12,609 3,080
Saguenay 2,564 12,331 40 22 47 22 586 11,676
Saint John 3,363 7,005 46 29 52 43 88 6,821
Saskatoon 5,215 16,032 45 57 50 108 11,392 4,482
Sherbrooke 1,460 5,852 26 18 39 34 1,155 4,624
St. Catharines–Niagara 1,398 2,441 117 70 141 90 1,101 1,108
St. John's 805 1,798 39 21 41 23 15 1,718
Thunder Bay 2,556 12,148 42 29 42 36 179 11,891
Toronto 5,906 12,814 699 296 850 418 4,930 6,615
Trois-Rivières 1,041 5,874 23 13 40 28 2,727 3,079
Vancouver 2,883 6,041 339 153 348 159 387 5,148
Victoria 696 2,103 82 38 82 39 39 1,943
Windsor 1,022 2,362 75 38 84 54 1,786 438
Winnipeg 5,303 19,111 168 158 197 299 10,732 7,883
Table A.1-2 Land cover and land use by census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 1991
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table A.1-2 Land cover and land use by census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 1991. CMA Total land area, CMA-E Total land area, 1991, CMA, CMA-E, Total built-up area, Arable, Natural and semi-natural, Settled and Roads, calculated using square kilometres units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  CMANote 1

Total land area
CMA-ENote 2,Note 3

Total land area
Total built-up areaNote 7 Total built-up areaNote 7 ArableNote 5 Natural and semi-naturalNote 6
Settled Roads Settled Roads
square kilometres
Abbotsford–Mission 605 5,313 64 38 161 104 412 4,636
Barrie 898 3,766 65 44 203 149 1,199 2,215
Brantford 1,073 4,196 60 49 294 204 2,143 1,555
Calgary 5,108 12,444 330 242 390 407 6,233 5,414
Edmonton 9,427 19,900 482 409 547 652 10,852 7,848
Greater Sudbury 3,411 35,921 144 62 275 208 271 35,168
Guelph 594 2,599 54 30 180 115 1,288 1,016
Halifax 5,496 16,127 204 110 271 184 149 15,522
Hamilton 1,372 4,944 216 107 667 359 1,897 2,021
Kelowna 2,905 8,145 91 49 99 61 126 7,858
Kingston 1,939 5,409 104 72 162 145 914 4,187
Kitchener–Cambridge–Waterloo 827 3,240 147 70 343 191 1,659 1,046
London 2,666 8,361 205 126 347 305 5,892 1,817
Moncton 2,406 5,941 73 55 96 99 114 5,632
Montréal 4,258 10,186 893 404 1,153 584 3,894 4,555
Oshawa 904 4,496 114 59 377 227 1,592 2,300
Ottawa–Gatineau (Ont.)Note 9 3,287 8,411 401 171 596 305 2,873 4,636
Ottawa–Gatineau (Que.)Note 9 3,000 7,817 146 90 197 140 703 6,777
Peterborough 1,507 4,167 69 58 115 117 873 3,062
Québec 3,349 8,532 239 124 323 184 1,038 6,987
Regina 3,408 15,899 95 115 168 409 13,472 1,850
Saguenay 2,564 12,331 99 55 181 84 443 11,623
Saint John 3,363 7,005 109 69 130 108 56 6,711
Saskatoon 5,215 16,032 129 162 175 376 12,207 3,274
Sherbrooke 1,460 5,852 91 61 170 146 806 4,731
St. Catharines–Niagara 1,398 2,441 196 118 260 166 955 1,059
St. John's 805 1,798 78 42 87 49 25 1,638
Thunder Bay 2,556 12,148 85 58 123 106 112 11,808
Toronto 5,906 12,814 1,203 510 1,598 786 4,194 6,235
Trois-Rivières 1,041 5,874 76 42 211 151 2,097 3,414
Vancouver 2,883 6,041 552 248 594 271 341 4,836
Victoria 696 2,103 126 58 129 61 30 1,884
Windsor 1,022 2,362 142 73 184 118 1,756 304
Winnipeg 5,303 19,111 266 251 403 611 10,931 7,166
Table A.1-3 Land cover and land use by census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 2001
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table A.1-3 Land cover and land use by census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 2001. CMA Total land area, CMA-E Total land area, 2001, CMA, CMA-E, Total built-up area, Arable, Natural and semi-natural, Settled and Roads, calculated using square kilometres units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  CMANote 1

Total land area
CMA-ENote 2Note 3

Total land area
Total built-up areaNote 7 Total built-up areaNote 7 ArableNote 5 Natural and semi-naturalNote 6
Settled Roads Settled Roads
square kilometres
Abbotsford–Mission 605 5,313 93 38 253 104 420 4,536
Barrie 898 3,766 101 45 305 151 1,234 2,076
Brantford 1,073 4,196 100 50 426 206 2,153 1,410
Calgary 5,108 12,444 392 242 464 408 6,520 5,053
Edmonton 9,427 19,900 627 411 704 654 11,248 7,295
Greater Sudbury 3,411 35,921 186 63 350 209 234 35,129
Guelph 594 2,599 77 30 263 115 1,159 1,062
Halifax 5,496 16,127 318 110 397 185 170 15,375
Hamilton 1,372 4,944 288 109 947 363 1,909 1,725
Kelowna 2,905 8,145 116 49 126 62 127 7,830
Kingston 1,939 5,409 122 72 188 146 899 4,176
Kitchener–Cambridge–Waterloo 827 3,240 194 71 469 193 1,531 1,047
London 2,666 8,361 270 127 460 307 6,124 1,470
Moncton 2,406 5,941 112 56 144 100 131 5,566
Montréal 4,258 10,186 999 410 1,291 591 4,070 4,234
Oshawa 904 4,496 159 62 530 232 1,584 2,149
Ottawa–Gatineau (Ont.)Note 9 3,287 8,411 419 171 641 306 3,010 4,454
Ottawa–Gatineau (Que.)Note 9 3,000 7,817 161 91 214 141 679 6,783
Peterborough 1,507 4,167 99 58 163 117 847 3,039
Québec 3,349 8,532 283 125 382 186 1,137 6,827
Regina 3,408 15,899 104 115 195 409 13,189 2,106
Saguenay 2,564 12,331 113 55 199 85 441 11,606
Saint John 3,363 7,005 170 69 196 108 71 6,630
Saskatoon 5,215 16,032 142 162 192 377 12,021 3,442
Sherbrooke 1,460 5,852 109 62 209 148 879 4,617
St. Catharines–Niagara 1,398 2,441 276 119 362 167 1,056 856
St. John's 805 1,798 127 42 142 49 22 1,586
Thunder Bay 2,556 12,148 128 58 186 106 108 11,748
Toronto 5,906 12,814 1,566 516 2,139 794 4,085 5,795
Trois-Rivières 1,041 5,874 88 43 245 152 2,357 3,120
Vancouver 2,883 6,041 710 250 770 272 328 4,672
Victoria 696 2,103 159 58 163 61 48 1,832
Windsor 1,022 2,362 177 73 231 119 1,802 210
Winnipeg 5,303 19,111 285 251 458 612 10,723 7,318
Table A.1-4 Land cover and land use by census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table A.1-4 Land cover and land use by census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 2011. CMA Total land area, CMA-E Total land area, 2011, CMA, CMA-E, Total built-up area, Arable, Natural and semi-natural, Settled, Roads, Forest, Water and Other, calculated using square kilometres units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  CMANote 1

Total land area
CMA-ENote 2Note 3

Total land area
Total built-up areaNote 7 Total built-up areaNote 7 ArableNote 5 Natural and semi-naturalNote 8
Settled Roads Settled Roads Forest Water Other
square kilometres
Abbotsford–Mission 605 5,313 101 38 276 106 438 3,624 333 536
Barrie 898 3,766 109 46 331 156 1,165 873 368 873
Brantford 1,073 4,196 105 50 450 211 2,133 789 71 542
Calgary 5,108 12,444 448 252 531 420 6,257 2,004 284 2,949
Edmonton 9,427 19,900 677 417 760 662 9,937 3,290 1,185 4,066
Greater Sudbury 3,411 35,921 197 72 386 238 246 24,301 4,640 6,110
Guelph 594 2,599 82 31 281 117 1,226 641 39 295
Halifax 5,496 16,127 354 113 446 189 168 11,952 1,096 2,275
Hamilton 1,372 4,944 305 115 1,010 379 1,791 866 91 808
Kelowna 2,905 8,145 133 52 145 65 86 6,119 377 1,353
Kingston 1,939 5,409 134 74 211 150 850 2,134 503 1,560
Kitchener–Cambridge–Waterloo 827 3,240 209 73 497 197 1,594 580 58 314
London 2,666 8,361 285 130 485 313 5,963 833 62 705
Moncton 2,406 5,941 123 59 158 103 151 4,372 97 1,060
Montréal 4,258 10,186 1,128 443 1,491 643 4,081 2,629 216 1,125
Oshawa 904 4,496 170 66 571 244 1,421 941 171 1,146
Ottawa–Gatineau (Ont.)Note 9 3,287 8,411 455 180 697 320 3,030 2,349 382 1,634
Ottawa–Gatineau (Que.)Note 9 3,000 7,817 216 112 284 179 740 5,651 775 188
Peterborough 1,507 4,167 107 59 184 119 810 1,736 416 903
Québec 3,349 8,532 337 138 453 205 1,150 5,535 211 978
Regina 3,408 15,899 113 117 209 411 11,633 364 510 2,771
Saguenay 2,564 12,331 126 62 217 97 535 8,785 1,365 1,332
Saint John 3,363 7,005 179 71 207 111 80 5,159 398 1,051
Saskatoon 5,215 16,032 155 165 207 380 10,483 250 795 3,918
Sherbrooke 1,460 5,852 135 69 255 169 889 3,498 207 834
St. Catharines–Niagara 1,398 2,441 292 120 383 171 1,034 416 44 394
St. John's 805 1,798 136 44 152 52 23 886 168 518
Thunder Bay 2,556 12,148 132 61 193 114 131 6,951 891 3,869
Toronto 5,906 12,814 1,648 536 2,260 821 3,867 2,250 868 2,748
Trois-Rivières 1,041 5,874 102 46 281 165 2,340 1,910 90 1,088
Vancouver 2,883 6,041 743 252 810 275 348 3,748 330 531
Victoria 696 2,103 174 59 178 62 45 1,703 48 67
Windsor 1,022 2,362 184 74 243 121 1,690 59 31 218
Winnipeg 5,303 19,111 303 256 494 618 10,118 2,175 1,793 3,913

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