Table 5.9

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Frequency of soil nutrient testing on crop farms, by province or region, 2011
Table Summary
This table displays frequency of soil nutrient testing on crop farms by province or region in 2011. The row headers provide information by Canada, region and province. The column headers provide information on the following categories of frequency of soil nutrient testing: every year, every 2 to 3 years, every 4 to 5 years, every 6 years or more and not tested. The unit of measure is percent.
  Frequency of soil nutrient testing
Every year Every 2 to 3 years Every 4 to 5 years Every 6 years or more Not tested
Canada 20 36 21 9 13
Atlantic provinces 21 41 18 8 11
Quebec 13 35 49 F F
Ontario 12 49 21 9 9
Manitoba 31 35 13 8 13
Saskatchewan 19 26 19 13 23
Alberta 31 31 13 10 13
British Columbia 29 28 16 10 16
Percentages may not add up to 100, due to rounding and/or non-response.
Statistics Canada, 2014, Farm Environmental Management Survey, special tabulation.
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