Impact of spring flooding in key areas across Canada

Release date: January 30, 2023

Many areas in Eastern Canada reported record snowfall and heavy spring rainfall, which caused increased levels of flooding in some areas.

As part of ongoing efforts to improve emergency management in Canada, Statistics Canada is working with other federal departments to assess and meet the geospatial and statistical information needs for emergency preparedness and response. Statistics Canada plays an important role in providing detailed statistical information in the overall emergency management in Canada.

To better understand the extent of the flooding, Statistics Canada used satellite data from the Canadian Space Agency and Natural Resources Canada from April 17 to 30, 2019, to produce maps showing the major areas affected by surface flooding across the country: Southern Manitoba (Red River Valley); the Ottawa–Gatineau Region (Ottawa River Valley); Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac (West Montréal–St. Lawrence River); and the Fredericton–Saint John New Brunswick Region (Saint John River).

Map 1
Fredericton-Saint John region, New Brunswick

Map 1 description 

Map 1
Fredericton-Saint John region, New Brunswick

The title of the map is "Fredericton-Saint John region, New Brunswick"

The map shows the maximum extent of flooding occurring in the Fredericton–Saint John region from April 22 to 27, 2019.

On this map, the maximum flood extent is shaded dark blue, while permanent water is shaded light blue.

The Trans-Canada Highway is indicated by a thick black line, major highways as thin black lines, and minor highways as thin, medium gray lines.

Population centres are coloured in beige and census subdivision boundaries are indicated by thick, medium gray lines. Census subdivisions are labelled in black text.

Source: Statistics Canada. Flood extent information provided by Emergency Geomatics Services, Natural Resources Canada, 2019.

Map 2
Saint-Marthe-sur-le-Lac region, Quebec

Map 2 description 

Map 2
Saint-Marthe-sur-le-Lac region, Quebec

The title of the map is "Saint-Marthe-sur-le-Lac region, Quebec"

The map shows the maximum extent of flooding occurring in the Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac region from April 20 to 30, 2019.

On this map, the maximum flood extent is shaded dark blue, while permanent water is shaded light blue.

The Trans-Canada Highway is indicated by a thick black line, major highways as thin black lines, and minor highways as thin, medium gray lines.

Population centres are coloured in beige and census subdivision boundaries are indicated by thick, medium gray lines. Census subdivisions are labelled in black text.

Source: Statistics Canada. Flood extent information provided by Emergency Geomatics Services, Natural Resources Canada, 2019.

Map 3
Ottawa–Gatineau region

Map 3 description 

Map 3
Ottawa–Gatineau region

The title of the map is "Ottawa–Gatineau region"

The map shows the maximum extent of flooding occurring in the Ottawa-Gatineau region from April 20 to 30, 2019.

On this map, the maximum flood extent is shaded dark blue, while permanent water is shaded light blue.

The Trans-Canada Highway is indicated by a thick black line, major highways as thin black lines, and minor highways as thin medium gray lines.

Population centres are coloured in beige and census subdivision boundaries are indicated by thick, medium gray lines. Census subdivisions are labelled in black text. A black dotted line represents the provincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec.

Source: Statistics Canada. Flood extent information provided by Emergency Geomatics Services, Natural Resources Canada, 2019.

Map 4
Southern Manitoba

Map 4 description 

Map 4
Southern Manitoba

The title of the map is "Southern Manitoba"

The map shows the maximum extent of flooding occurring in southern Manitoba from April 17 to 27, 2019.

On this map, the maximum flood extent is shaded dark blue, while permanent water is shaded light blue.

The Trans-Canada Highway is indicated by a thick black line, major highways as thin black lines, and minor highways as thin medium gray lines.

Population Centres are coloured in beige and census subdivision boundaries are indicated by thick, medium gray lines. The United States is shaded medium gray. A black dotted line represents the international boundary between Canada and the United States.

Source: Statistics Canada. Flood extent information provided by Emergency Geomatics Services, Natural Resources Canada, 2019.

Analysis based on early estimates shows about 17,500 dwellings were either affected or at risk of flooding in these areas. This estimate is likely to change in the coming months, as property owners in the affected areas submit insurance claims.

Satellites detected more than 600 square kilometres of flooded land, with eastern regions of Canada most affected. Flooded areas included 153 square kilometres of agricultural land where flooding may delay spring seeding or the loss of productive land for the 2019 growing season.

About 460 kilometres of road network was either affected by or at risk of flooding in these areas. Roads were washed out in some areas by fast moving water.

Municipalities affected by flooding

Determining the severity of the spring flooding at the municipality level can help identify where to concentrate relief efforts and to establish funds to help those affected by the flooding and repair damaged infrastructure.

Some municipalities within flooded regions were more affected than others, and extensive losses within these municipalities are likely to have a significant impact on their local governments. Pontiac and Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, in Quebec, were among the hardest hit, where more than 20% of dwellings were affected by flooding or were at risk of flooding.

As more information becomes available, Statistics Canada will provide additional reports on the extent and impact of the spring floods.

Table 1
Spring 2019 flooding: Selected data by affected region
Table summary
This table displays the results of Spring 2019 flooding: Selected data by affected region . The information is grouped by   (appearing as row headers), Dwellings flooded or at risk, Flooded area , Flooded farmland and Roads flooded or at risk, calculated using number, square kilometres and kilometres units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Dwellings flooded or at risk Flooded area Flooded farmland Roads flooded or at risk
number square kilometres kilometres
Total 17,494 609 153 462
South-central Manitoba (Red River Valley) 150 124 114 70
Fredericton–Saint John Region (Saint John River) 5,501 383 34 238
Ottawa–Gatineau region (Ottawa River) 5,996 91 6 101
Ottawa (Ontario) 2,196 42 1 39
Gatineau (Quebec) 3,800 49 5 62
Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac region (St. Lawrence River) 5,847 10 0 53

Table 2 
Municipalities experiencing high relative impact
Table summary
This table displays the results of Municipalities experiencing high relative impact. The information is grouped by   (appearing as row headers),  Total dwellings and Dwellings flooded or at risk, calculated using  number and  % of all dwellings units of measure (appearing as column headers).
   Total dwellings Dwellings flooded or at risk
 number  % of all dwellings
Pontiac (Quebec) 2,320 672 29
Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac (Quebec) 6,877 1,745 25
Lincoln (New Brunswick) 2,940 483 16
Pointe-Calumet (Quebec) 2,623 407 16
Burton (New Brunswick) 1,971 297 15
Saint-Joseph-du-Lac (Quebec) 2,533 256 10
Saint Marys (New Brunswick) 1,872 156 8
Douglas (New Brunswick) 2,372 164 7
Oromocto (New Brunswick) 3,479 224 6
Fredericton (New Brunswick) 26,267 1,374 5
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Note to readers

Statistics Canada used the boundaries of flooded areas identified through satellite data to extract a selection of relevant data from its system of statistical registers and from linked ancillary databases to produce the summary data presented in this analysis.

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