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Archived Content

Information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please "contact us" to request a format other than those available.

Ontario Ministry of Energy, 2010, Energy Saving Tips - Heating and Cooling, (accessed 14 February 2011).
Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, 2010, Central Air Conditioners – Operation and Use, (accessed 14 February 2011).
Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, 2009, Room Air Conditioners – Operation and Maintenance Tips, (accessed 14 February 2011).
Statistics Canada, 2009, Estimated population of Canada, 1605 to present98-187-X (accessed May 11, 2011).
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, 2011, special tabulation.
Statistics Canada, 2010, Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, 2006 and 2001 censuses, (accessed May 11, 2011).
Please see N. Hofmann, A. Elgarawany, H. Larocque, G. Filoso and T. Dennis, "A new research project on Canadian settlements: initial geographic results," EnviroStats, Vol. 4, no. 1, Map 1.
N. Hofmann, A. Elgarawany, H. Larocque, G. Filoso and T. Dennis, "A new research project on Canadian settlements: initial geographic results," EnviroStats, Vol. 4, no. 1.
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