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Against the flow: Which households drink bottled water?
Gone fishing: A profile of recreational fishing in Canada
Canadian industry's expenditures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: On population-weighted ground-level ozone
Canada's ecozones and population change, 1981 to 2006

Against the flow: Which households drink bottled water?


Chart 1 High-income households are most likely to drink bottled water, 2006

Chart 2 University-educated households are less likely to drink bottled water, 2006

Chart 3 Seniors prefer the tap, 2006

Chart 4 Households in apartments are less likely to drink bottled water, 2006


Table 1 Share of households drinking bottled water, by income group and education level, 2006

Gone fishing: A profile of recreational fishing in Canada


Chart 1 Active resident anglers as a proportion of adult population, 2005

Chart 2 Number of active resident anglers, 1995, 2000 and 2005, Canada

Chart 3 Average number of days fished by resident anglers, 2005

Chart 4 Comparison of fish caught and kept, Canadian resident anglers, 1995 and 2005


Table 1 Number and average age of active resident anglers, by gender and jurisdiction, 2005

Table 2 Direct recreational fishing expenditures made by resident anglers, 2005

Table 3 Fish caught and kept by resident anglers, 2005

Canadian industry's expenditures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions


Table 1 Total operating and capital expenditures on environmental processes and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry, 2002r and 2004

Table 2 Average expenditures made per establishment for greenhouse gas technologies, by establishment size, 2004

Table 3 Expenditures for greenhouse gas technologies per employee, by establishment size, 2004

Table 4 Total expenditures for greenhouse gas technologies, by establishment size, 2004

Table 5 Distribution of energy conservation processes and technologies, by establishment size, 2004

The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: On population-weighted ground-level ozone


Chart 1 The good days are getting worse and the bad days remain the same

Canada's ecozones and population change, 1981 to 2006


Table 1 Biophysical characteristics of terrestrial ecozones

Table 2 Population, by terrestrial ecozone, 1981 to 2006


Map 1 Terrestrial ecozones

Map 2 Population change in Canada's ecozones, 1981 to 2006