Canadian Industry's Expenditures to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

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  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Impact of revision on the 2002 expenditure estimates made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions emissions
  4. Conclusion

1   Introduction

In 2002, the Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures introduced new material for the purpose of collecting data on industry's initiatives with respect to greenhouse gas emission reductions. This was made possible through five years of funding provided by the Statistical Monitoring of Climate Change Technologies project under the federal government's Action Plan 2000 on Climate Change. The material was developed as part of a multi-departmental Working Group on Climate Change Technologies co-chaired by Industry Canada and Statistics Canada.

2   Overview

Statistics contained in this report are derived from the 2002 and 2004 editions of the Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures. The tables contain information specifically related to expenditures made by Canadian businesses in 16 industry groups to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additional tables include statistics on the technologies used by industry as well as the obstacles and drivers encountered by industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The 2002 expenditure estimates in this report are revised figures and replace the estimates published in the 2002 survey report "Environmental Protection Expenditures in the Business Sector", catalogue no 16F0006. Improvements made to the methodology used to produce the 2004 estimates were applied to the 2002 estimates to maintain comparability between survey years.

3   Impact of revision on the 2002 expenditure estimatesmade to reduce greenhouse gas emissions emissions

The impact of the revision of the 2002 estimates resulted in an increase in the estimated overall expenditures made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The revised estimate increased by $170.0 million dollars or 15.8%. The revision had a larger impact on operating expenses than capital expenditure estimates, increasing these 22.6% and 9.8% respectively.

The 2002 estimates for the majority of the 16 industry groups surveyed were revised upwards. The industries with the greatest increase in terms of absolute expenditures included Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Wood Products, Chemicals and Fabricated Metal Products industries. The industry with the largest downward revision was Oil and Gas Extraction.

This report includes the 2002 revised expenditure estimates to reduce GHG emissions by industry and by province, as well as the 2004 estimates. Additional tables for reference include both 2002 and 2004 estimates of energy conservation processes and technologies used by industry and the drivers and obstacles faced by industry in the adoption of the energy conservation processes and technologies. Please note that only the tables with expenditure estimates have been revised for 2002.

4   Conclusion

Data collection specifically related to the expenditures to reduce GHG emissions, the impact of those expenditures on emissions and the obstacles and drivers businesses encountered were discontinued after the 2004 reference year due to the sun setting of the Statistical Monitoring of Climate Change Technologies project funding.

Additional analysis of the 2002 and 2004 greenhouse gas-related estimates from the Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures is available in "Envirostats", catalogue number 16-002-X, Volume 2, No. 2.

Proportion of establishments in fossil-fuel related industries that reported greenhouse gas emissions reductions
  2002 2004
Reduced fugitive or vented Reduced other sources Reduced fugitive or vented Reduced other sources
  percent 1
Oil and gas extraction 90 76 94 75
Natural gas distribution 92 67 92 77
Pipeline transportation 95 67 85 44
Petroleum and coal products 58 89 89 74
Total 2 87 74 90 62
Number of establishments that reported the use of systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a percentage of establishments that reported extracting, refining, transporting, or distributing fossil fuels.
Number of establishments that indicated they used at least one energy conservation process or technology as a percentage of the total number of establishments that provided a response.
This table includes reported data only.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Adoption and impact of new or significantly improved systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry
  2002 1  2004 2
New or improved systems or equipment Impact on emissions 3 New or improved systems or equipment Impact on emissions 3
Yes No Low Moderate High Yes No Low Moderate High
Logging 11 89 71 29 0 15 85 64 18 18
Oil and gas extraction 65 35 31 57 12 63 37 39 41 20
Mining 18 82 70 30 0 24 76 69 31 0
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 29 71 45 23 32 27 73 44 33 22
Natural gas distribution 58 42 0 71 29 53 47 25 50 25
Food 10 90 59 41 0 24 76 53 35 18
Beverage and tobacco products 16 84 60 40 0 33 67 57 29 14
Wood products 14 86 50 36 14 19 81 45 36 18
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 35 65 40 36 24 38 63 34 49 17
Petroleum and coal products 39 61 62 38 0 43 57 83 17 0
Chemicals 18 82 55 33 13 19 81 52 31 17
Non-metallic mineral products 18 82 46 31 23 18 82 53 40 7
Primary metals 21 79 30 51 19 26 74 41 43 15
Fabricated metal products 18 82 43 50 7 16 84 47 35 18
Transportation equipment 23 77 59 32 9 31 69 68 20 12
Pipeline transportation 71 29 17 80 3 35 65 58 42 0
Total 24 76 44 44 13 26 74 49 36 14
Adoption of new or significantly improved systems or equipment within a three year period, 2000 to 2002.
Adoption of new or significantly improved systems or equipment within a three-year period, 2002 to 2004.
Respondents who answered Yes to the adoption of new or significantly improved systems or equipment were asked to rank the impact on greenhouse gas emission reductions as being low, moderate or high.
This table includes reported data only. Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Adoption and impact of new or significantly improved systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by province or territory
  2002 1  2004 2
New or improved systems or equipent Impact on emissions 3 New or improved systems or equipent Impact on emissions 3
Yes No Low Moderate High Yes No Low Moderate High
Newfoundland and Labrador 14 86 100 0 0 13 88 100 0 0
Prince Edward Island 10 90 100 0 0 8 75 100 0 0
Nova Scotia 27 73 63 25 13 21 79 29 71 0
New Brunswick 21 79 33 50 17 27 73 67 33 0
Quebec 20 80 43 43 14 29 71 52 30 19
Ontario 20 80 52 36 12 20 80 53 37 11
Manitoba 36 64 29 38 33 30 70 47 29 24
Saskatchewan 41 59 40 52 8 41 59 54 42 4
Alberta 34 66 36 54 10 35 65 39 34 27
British Columbia 22 78 37 51 11 28 72 45 49 6
Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories and Nunavut 30 70 33 67 0 44 56 50 50 0
Total 24 76 44 44 13 26 74 49 36 14
Adoption of new or significantly improved systems or equipment within a three year period, 2000 to 2002.
Adoption of new or significantly improved systems or equipment within a three-year period, 2002 to 2004.
Respondents who answered Yes to the adoption of new or significantly improved systems or equipment were asked to rank the impact on greenhouse gas emission reductions as being low, moderate or high.
This table includes reported data only. Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Total operating and capital expenditures on environmental processes and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry
  2002 r  2004
Operating expenditures Capital expenditures Total Operating expenditures Capital expenditures Total
  millions dollars
Logging 23.3 7.1 30.4 52.0 8.5 60.5
Oil and gas extraction 8.4 206.9 215.3 23.0 124.8 147.8
Mining 19.4 8.5 27.9 38.0 10.1 48.1
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 128.2 119.1 247.2 75.7 21.2 96.9
Natural gas distribution 6.2 2.9 9.1 3.5 5.2 8.7
Food 21.2 14.9 36.1 8.8 23.7 32.5
Beverage and tobacco products 1.7 6.5 8.2 1.7 3.7 5.4
Wood products 114.5 26.2 140.7 106.5 45.9 152.3
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 170.6 62.6 233.3 129.8 37.2 167.1
Petroleum and coal products 3.0 25.3 28.3 1.2 37.1 38.3
Chemicals 67.3 32.4 99.6 57.9 25.7 83.6
Non-metallic mineral products 6.0 22.2 28.2 11.0 8.1 19.1
Primary metals 13.0 46.7 59.7 34.9 5.4 40.3
Fabricated metal products 15.6 18.3 33.9 22.4 8.7 31.1
Transportation equipment 33.2 8.7 41.9 6.5 10.8 17.3
Pipeline transportation 9.4 32.0 41.4 3.1 3.1 6.2
Total 641.0 640.2 1,281.3 575.8 379.3 955.1
Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Total operating and capital expenditures on environmental processes and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by province or territory
  2002 r  2004
Operating expenditures Capital expenditures Total Operating expenditures Capital expenditures Total
  million dollars
Newfoundland and Labrador 7.2 30.0 37.2 8.7 5.8 14.5
Prince Edward Island 1.1 0.9 2.0 1.7 0.6 2.4
Nova Scotia 22.9 7.5 30.4 23.6 2.9 26.5
New Brunswick 21.0 15.6 36.6 35.3 11.1 46.3
Quebec 108.9 104.5 213.4 74.8 71.0 145.9
Ontario 167.7 167.1 334.8 88.0 54.4 142.4
Manitoba 32.5 13.6 46.1 23.0 28.9 51.8
Saskatchewan 18.3 22.5 40.8 13.5 7.6 21.2
Alberta 73.9 234.1 308.0 62.5 155.1 217.6
British Columbia 184.8 42.9 227.7 229.5 40.8 270.3
Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories and Nunavut 2.5 1.6 4.2 15.1 1.1 16.2
Total 641.0 640.2 1,281.3 575.8 379.3 955.1
Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding. This table excludes the "other manufacturing" industries category.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Obstacles to the adoption of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry, 2002 and 2004
  Type of obstacles One or more obstacles
Lack of information or knowledge Lack of available technology Lack of skilled personnel High cost of equipment Lack of financing Regulatory or policy barriers Other Share of companies in industry Industry share 1
  percent 2
2002 3  
Logging 43 57 14 71 29 0 14 42 3
Oil and gas extraction 35 35 10 88 52 48 21 77 8
Mining 10 20 5 50 30 20 20 88 6
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 25 35 5 65 25 50 10 55 9
Natural gas distribution 33 50 0 83 50 67 17 67 4
Food 27 33 7 73 60 7 27 82 9
Beverage and tobacco products 40 10 30 80 30 0 0 71 12
Wood products 10 38 5 62 38 33 5 65 6
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 14 14 5 76 49 24 5 63 9
Petroleum and coal products 67 25 0 83 50 50 42 64 4
Chemicals 11 20 20 69 43 3 6 61 2
Non-metallic mineral products 17 25 8 58 25 33 8 72 15
Primary metals 17 17 11 58 64 8 8 53 4
Fabricated metal products 15 31 23 77 62 8 8 88 4
Transportation equipment 23 18 9 86 59 0 9 75 1
Pipeline transportation 7 79 3 66 10 3 0 66 5
Total 21 30 10 71 44 22 11 68 100
2004 3  
Logging 28 49 13 64 41 13 10 57 3
Oil and gas extraction 32 48 22 67 40 29 21 88 6
Mining 40 38 14 58 33 15 22 83 8
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 31 44 3 56 38 31 10 59 3
Natural gas distribution 33 50 17 75 42 58 17 80 1
Food 43 24 26 58 52 13 11 74 9
Beverage and tobacco products 31 25 19 63 38 0 25 80 1
Wood products 33 23 9 69 43 20 11 61 9
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 13 13 10 83 69 15 9 90 10
Petroleum and coal products 65 30 22 83 39 39 22 79 2
Chemicals 38 30 13 65 47 12 13 71 14
Non-metallic mineral products 33 42 7 60 30 15 3 74 5
Primary metals 31 28 17 70 54 7 14 76 11
Fabricated metal products 31 29 33 64 47 12 5 62 5
Transportation equipment 40 17 15 82 51 8 12 83 6
Pipeline transportation 35 52 8 60 15 38 8 87 5
Total 25 23 11 50 34 12 9 74 100
Number of establishments in the industry that indicated encountering at least one obstacle as a percentage of all establishments that indicated encountering at least one obstacle.
Number of establishments that indicated encountering the obstacle as a percentage of all establishments that provided a response.
Adoption of new or significantly improved systems or equipment within a three year period, 2000 to 2002.
This table includes reported data only.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Drivers to the adoption of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry, 2002 and 2004
  Type of drivers One or more drivers
Suffcient return on investment Regulations Voluntary agreement Public relations Corporate policy and culture and awareness Other Share of companies in industry Industry share of reported drivers 1
  percent 2
2002 3  
Logging 57 86 43 43 43 0 71 4
Oil and gas extraction 88 80 76 78 86 2 83 7
Mining 55 35 35 40 50 15 92 5
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 67 67 62 81 86 5 86 11
Natural gas distribution 57 29 71 57 100 29 85 4
Food 53 53 47 41 76 6 89 8
Beverage and tobacco products 80 70 20 0 70 10 80 11
Wood products 65 40 45 40 70 0 79 6
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 87 38 26 33 54 13 85 10
Petroleum and coal products 83 67 83 50 67 0 86 5
Chemicals 66 49 29 29 57 6 88 2
Non-metallic mineral products 62 23 15 31 38 8 85 14
Primary metals 67 39 50 31 64 8 88 5
Fabricated metal products 79 36 7 14 43 0 95 3
Transportation equipment 86 41 27 27 59 18 83 1
Pipeline transportation 87 53 80 83 87 7 87 5
Total 74 51 47 46 67 7 85 100
2004 3  
Logging 73 48 24 24 52 0 52 3
Oil and gas extraction 82 74 43 65 78 5 92 6
Mining 69 54 35 42 65 7 71 7
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 59 56 46 64 64 8 65 4
Natural gas distribution 78 78 56 44 89 0 69 1
Food 80 57 19 24 52 10 72 9
Beverage and tobacco products 71 50 21 7 64 7 70 1
Wood products 69 52 18 35 63 7 55 9
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 80 59 21 31 56 4 85 10
Petroleum and coal products 84 72 56 48 64 0 93 2
Chemicals 77 58 27 23 60 3 73 15
Non-metallic mineral products 67 55 20 33 62 5 69 5
Primary metals 78 48 26 31 49 11 75 11
Fabricated metal products 75 49 22 29 56 7 62 5
Transportation equipment 70 55 25 40 68 11 76 5
Pipeline transportation 76 71 55 71 98 0 83 5
Total 54 41 21 26 44 4 72 100
Number of establishments in the industry that indicated encountering at least one driver as a percentage of all establishments that indicated encountering at least one driver.
Number of establishments that indicated encountering the driver as a percentage of all establishments that provided a response.
Adoption of new or significantly improved systems or equipment within a three year period, 2000 to 2002.
This table includes reported data only.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Obstacles to the adoption of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry — Innovators versus non-innovators, 2002: Part 1
  Lack of information or knowledge Lack of available technology Lack of skilled personnel High cost of equipment
Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator
  percent 1
Logging 43 38 57 43 14 10 71 43
Oil and gas extraction 35 20 35 40 10 5 88 50
Mining 10 29 20 38 5 11 50 52
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 25 32 35 55 5 5 65 68
Natural gas distribution 33 0 50 33 0 0 83 33
Food 27 41 33 28 7 13 73 71
Beverage and tobacco products 40 56 10 19 30 19 80 59
Wood products 10 36 38 24 5 14 62 62
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 14 24 14 22 5 10 76 68
Petroleum and coal products 67 50 25 38 0 13 83 38
Chemicals 11 32 20 35 20 9 69 61
Non-metallic mineral products 17 37 25 46 8 9 58 51
Primary metals 17 45 17 28 11 20 58 67
Fabricated metal products 15 41 31 21 23 18 77 82
Transportation equipment 23 50 18 26 9 14 86 55
Pipeline transportation 7 0 79 73 3 0 66 73
Total 21 36 30 31 10 12 71 62

Obstacles to the adoption of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry — Innovators versus non-innovators, 2002: Part 2
  Lack of financing Regulatory and policy barriers Other
Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator
  percent 1
Logging 29 33 0 5 14 5
Oil and gas extraction 52 5 48 20 21 30
Mining 30 35 20 9 20 20
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 25 27 50 9 10 14
Natural gas distribution 50 0 67 33 17 33
Food 60 46 7 5 27 4
Beverage and tobacco products 30 56 0 3 0 16
Wood products 38 43 33 11 5 11
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 49 59 24 19 5 8
Petroleum and coal products 50 25 50 25 42 0
Chemicals 43 40 3 17 6 11
Non-metallic mineral products 25 34 33 26 8 11
Primary metals 64 49 8 10 8 5
Fabricated metal products 62 46 8 10 8 8
Transportation equipment 59 40 0 7 9 14
Pipeline transportation 10 45 3 9 0 27
Total 44 42 22 12 11 11
Number of establishments that indicated encountering the obstacle as a percentage of all establishments that provided a response.
Establishments who answered "Yes" to adopting new or significantly improved systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gases during the period 2000-2002 are considered "innovators." Establishments who answered "no" to adopting new or significantly improved systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gases during the period 2000-2002 are considered "non-innovators". This table includes reported data only. Due to changes in the methodology used to calculate the 2004 results, comparisons to 2002 results are not possible.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Obstacles to the adoption of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry — Innovators versus non-innovators, 2004: Part 1
  Lack of information or knowledge Lack of available technology Lack of skilled personnel High cost of equipment
Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator
  percent 1
Logging 27 13 27 27 9 7 64 30
Oil and gas extraction 33 15 43 30 30 0 78 15
Mining 27 33 35 29 4 12 69 40
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 39 10 33 20 6 0 50 27
Natural gas distribution 50 0 63 14 0 29 75 43
Food 38 27 26 12 29 15 62 34
Beverage and tobacco products 29 21 14 21 29 7 86 29
Wood products 33 15 9 14 15 3 61 35
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 8 13 13 10 19 3 83 66
Petroleum and coal products 67 44 0 38 17 19 100 38
Chemicals 23 27 12 22 5 10 51 43
Non-metallic mineral products 40 20 20 32 7 4 53 41
Primary metals 20 24 26 17 15 11 57 48
Fabricated metal products 25 16 13 18 25 16 44 35
Transportation equipment 36 30 24 9 8 14 72 63
Pipeline transportation 63 7 58 39 4 2 79 36
Total 31 21 25 20 15 9 67 41

Obstacles to the adoption of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry — Innovators versus non-innovators, 2004: Part 2
  Lack of financing Regulation and policy barriers Other None
Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator
  percent 1
Logging 27 22 9 7 9 5 18 40
Oil and gas extraction 43 11 30 11 22 11 0 37
Mining 15 30 15 11 15 18 8 20
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 39 16 28 14 0 8 28 43
Natural gas distribution 50 14 75 14 25 0 0 43
Food 35 37 9 9 6 8 18 29
Beverage and tobacco products 57 14 0 0 0 29 14 21
Wood products 42 21 27 7 12 5 15 44
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 77 50 4 19 4 10 2 15
Petroleum and coal products 50 19 67 6 42 0 0 38
Chemicals 37 31 9 8 7 10 26 30
Non-metallic mineral products 27 20 27 7 7 1 13 28
Primary metals 48 35 7 5 11 10 15 27
Fabricated metal products 31 26 0 7 0 4 13 38
Transportation equipment 36 43 4 7 8 11 0 23
Pipeline transportation 17 11 46 25 0 11 8 16
Total 42 29 18 9 10 9 11 30
Number of establishments that indicated encountering the obstacle as a percentage of all establishments that provided a response.
Establishments who answered "Yes" to adopting new or significantly improved systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gases during the period 2002 to 2004 are considered "innovators." Establishments who answered "no" to adopting new or significantly improved systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gases during the period 2002 to 2004 are considered "non-innovators". This table includes reported data only. Due to changes in the methodology used to calculate the 2004 results, comparisons to 2002 results are not possible.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Drivers to the adoption of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry — Innovators versus non-innovators, 2002
  Sufficient return on investment Regulations Voluntary agreement Public relations Corporate policy and culture and awareness Other
Innovator Non- innovator Innovator Non- innovator Innovator Non- innovator Innovator Non- innovator Innovator Non- innovator Innovator Non- innovator
  percent 1
Logging 57 33 86 20 43 5 43 23 43 30 0 0
Oil and gas extraction 88 55 80 55 76 30 78 30 86 45 2 5
Mining 55 44 35 27 35 14 40 20 50 40 15 3
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 67 27 67 39 62 20 81 32 86 32 5 2
Natural gas distribution 57 67 29 33 71 67 57 33 100 33 29 0
Food 53 38 53 37 47 8 41 16 76 34 6 0
Beverage and tobacco products 80 40 70 24 20 12 0 14 70 36 10 7
Wood products 65 47 40 34 45 11 40 20 70 29 0 2
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 87 67 38 61 26 24 33 24 54 53 13 6
Petroleum and coal products 83 53 67 41 83 41 50 24 67 35 0 0
Chemicals 66 43 49 44 29 22 29 22 57 39 6 5
Non-metallic mineral products 62 45 23 37 15 20 31 20 38 31 8 4
Primary metals 67 55 39 39 50 25 31 21 64 38 8 1
Fabricated metal products 79 45 36 36 7 13 14 22 43 24 0 5
Transportation equipment 86 42 41 31 27 7 27 11 59 25 18 4
Pipeline transportation 87 90 53 10 80 50 83 0 87 70 7 0
Total 74 46 51 37 47 17 46 20 67 35 7 3
Number of establishments that indicated the driver as a percentage of all establishments that provided a response.
Establishments who answered "Yes" to adopting new or significantly improved systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gases during the period 2000 to 2002 are considered "innovators." Establishments who answered "no" to adopting new or significantly improved systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gases during the period 2000 to 2002 are considered "non-innovators." This table includes reported data only. Due to changes in the methodology used to calculate the 2004 results, comparisons to 2002 results are not possible.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Drivers to the adoption of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry — Innovators versus non-innovators, 2004: Part 1
  Sufficient return on investment Regulations Voluntary agreement Public relations
Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator
  percent 1
Logging 55 30 45 18 27 8 18 10
Oil and gas extraction 85 52 78 44 52 15 65 44
Mining 65 40 35 36 31 20 46 22
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 67 22 56 24 56 16 78 22
Natural gas distribution 75 14 88 0 63 0 50 0
Food 79 42 53 31 35 5 26 12
Beverage and tobacco products 71 36 57 21 29 7 14 0
Wood products 67 28 48 22 18 7 33 14
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 77 55 52 44 21 14 42 14
Petroleum and coal products 83 69 75 56 50 50 58 31
Chemicals 51 51 47 36 30 15 26 13
Non-metallic mineral products 67 39 47 33 27 10 27 20
Primary metals 74 45 48 27 41 9 30 17
Fabricated metal products 63 36 31 26 19 11 13 16
Transportation equipment 64 38 48 30 28 11 36 21
Pipeline transportation 83 50 88 41 63 34 88 41
Total 71 41 55 31 36 13 42 17

Drivers to the adoption of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by industry — Innovators versus non-innovators, 2004: Part 2
  Corporate policy and culture and awareness Other None
Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator Innovator Non-innovator
  percent 1
Logging 18 25 0 0 27 47
Oil and gas extraction 80 52 4 4 0 22
Mining 65 36 8 4 8 34
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 56 31 11 2 11 41
Natural gas distribution 100 0 0 0 0 57
Food 53 26 12 5 12 30
Beverage and tobacco products 71 29 14 0 0 43
Wood products 64 24 0 4 12 49
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 56 38 2 4 4 20
Petroleum and coal products 75 44 0 0 0 13
Chemicals 58 35 5 2 14 28
Non-metallic mineral products 87 30 7 3 0 36
Primary metals 59 23 11 6 7 27
Fabricated metal products 38 29 13 2 0 40
Transportation equipment 72 32 16 4 0 30
Pipeline transportation 96 70 0 0 0 25
Total 65 32 6 3 6 33
Number of establishments that indicated the driver as a percentage of all establishments that provided a response.
Establishments who answered "Yes" to adopting new or significantly improved systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gases during the period 2002 to 2004 are considered "innovators." Establishments who answered "no" to adopting new or significantly improved systems or equipment to reduce greenhouse gases during the period 2002 to 2004 are considered "non-innovators." This table includes reported data only. Due to changes in the methodology used to calculate the 2004 results, comparisons to 2002 results are not possible.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Energy conservation processes and technologies by industry, 2002: Part 1
  Cogeneration Alternative fuel systems or equipment Fuel substitution Other
  percent 1
Logging 2 6 6 10
Oil and gas extraction 19 13 11 34
Mining 3 4 8 24
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 22 13 14 31
Natural gas distribution 10 40 42 33
Food 2 2 5 18
Beverage and tobacco products 2 0 2 17
Wood products 8 3 11 16
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 32 10 18 29
Petroleum and coal products 13 3 22 32
Chemicals 12 4 6 15
Non-metallic mineral products 0 3 8 13
Primary metals 2 4 4 25
Fabricated metal products 3 0 0 7
Transportation equipment 2 1 5 34
Pipeline transportation 10 8 8 48
Total 9 5 8 22

Energy conservation processes and technologies by industry, 2002: Part 2
  Renewable energy technologies Total 3
Small, mini, or micro-hydroelectric facility Solar energy Wind energy Biomass energy 2 Other renewable energy
  percent 1
Logging 6 3 0 19 2 36
Oil and gas extraction 11 49 8 12 6 75
Mining 7 17 0 9 6 48
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 24 11 14 15 13 58
Natural gas distribution 0 27 0 10 0 69
Food 0 0 0 5 1 20
Beverage and tobacco products 0 0 0 3 0 21
Wood products 0 1 0 41 8 52
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 9 0 0 58 16 81
Petroleum and coal products 0 3 0 9 3 53
Chemicals 0 0 0 5 2 26
Non-metallic mineral products 0 0 0 7 1 8
Primary metals 2 0 0 4 1 32
Fabricated metal products 0 0 1 1 0 10
Transportation equipment 0 3 0 1 1 33
Pipeline transportation 0 29 0 5 3 74
Total 3 6 1 14 4 40
Number of establishments that indicated they used at least one energy conservation process or technology as a percentage of the total number of establishments that provided a response.
Examples include energy crops and waste-to-energy.
Number of establishments indicating they used the process or technology as a percentage of all establishments that provided a response.
This table includes reported data only.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Energy conservation processes and technologies by industry, 2004: Part 1
  Cogeneration Alternative fuel systems or equipment Fuel substitution Waste energy recovery and reuse Use of energy management or monitoring systems Performed energy audit past three years (2002 to 2004) Other systems, equipment or employee training
  percent 1
Logging 5 8 3 18 11 9 9
Oil and gas extraction 20 22 16 38 50 39 38
Mining 3 5 2 24 39 33 24
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 14 14 9 25 43 26 32
Natural gas distribution 0 13 20 7 27 33 20
Food 1 4 3 35 31 29 24
Beverage and tobacco products 10 14 14 38 29 29 29
Wood products 10 9 12 28 24 19 15
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 33 17 27 74 58 58 30
Petroleum and coal products 7 0 14 72 52 52 48
Chemicals 9 2 6 22 29 25 19
Non-metallic mineral products 0 11 11 18 13 11 18
Primary metals 2 5 5 19 29 26 23
Fabricated metal products 1 0 3 12 21 20 19
Transportation equipment 0 1 1 25 38 36 36
Pipeline transportation 10 26 7 13 51 40 38
Total 8 8 8 29 33 29 25

Energy conservation processes and technologies by industry, 2004: Part 2
  Renewable energy technologies Total 3
Small, mini- or micro-hydroelectric facility Solar energy Wind energy Biomass energy 2 Geothermal Other renewable energy
  percent 1
Logging 3 11 0 14 0 1 41
Oil and gas extraction 3 49 3 0 0 1 82
Mining 2 13 0 0 0 2 60
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 20 7 12 6 4 10 64
Natural gas distribution 0 40 0 0 0 7 60
Food 0 1 0 3 0 2 57
Beverage and tobacco products 0 0 0 0 0 0 48
Wood products 0 1 0 30 1 3 57
Pulp, paper and paperboard mills 11 1 1 54 0 2 88
Petroleum and coal products 0 7 0 3 0 0 86
Chemicals 0 0 0 0 0 0 53
Non-metallic mineral products 0 0 0 5 0 0 41
Primary metals 2 0 0 1 1 1 50
Fabricated metal products 0 0 0 1 0 0 40
Transportation equipment 0 4 0 0 0 1 64
Pipeline transportation 3 35 1 3 0 1 71
Total 3 7 1 9 0 s 2 59
Number of establishments indicating they used the process or technology as a percentage of all establishments that provided a response.
Examples include energy crops and waste-to-energy.
Number of establishments that indicated they used at least one energy conservation process or technology as a percentage of the total number of establishments that provided a response.
This table includes reported data only.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Energy conservation processes and technologies by province or territory, 2002: Part 1
  Cogeneration Alternative fuel systems or equipment Fuel substitution Other
  percent 1
Newfoundland and Labrador 5 0 5 24
Prince Edward Island 10 0 20 40
Nova Scotia 13 7 10 19
New Brunswick 11 2 12 23
Quebec 5 3 9 17
Ontario 7 3 5 22
Manitoba 5 11 13 24
Saskatchewan 8 7 14 27
Alberta 16 8 8 27
British Columbia 13 8 12 20
Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories and Nunavut 10 11 11 33
Total 9 5 8 22

Energy conservation processes and technologies by province or territory, 2002: Part 2
  Renewable energy technologies Total 3
Small, mini, or micro-hydroelectric facility Solar energy Wind energy Biomass energy 2 Other renewable energy
  percent 1
Newfoundland and Labrador 9 0 0 14 5 36
Prince Edward Island 0 0 0 20 0 50
Nova Scotia 7 0 3 23 4 43
New Brunswick 5 2 0 31 10 50
Quebec 1 2 0 14 5 34
Ontario 3 2 1 7 2 33
Manitoba 0 5 0 15 7 39
Saskatchewan 2 20 3 10 3 51
Alberta 4 19 3 16 5 55
British Columbia 5 8 1 31 5 50
Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories and Nunavut 30 20 0 0 30 70
Total 3 6 1 14 4 40
Number of establishments that indicated they used at least one energy conservation process or technology as a percentage of the total number of establishments that provided a response.
Examples include energy crops and waste-to-energy.
Number of establishments indicating they used the process or technology as a percentage of all establishments that provided a response.
This table includes reported data only. This table excludes the "other manufacturing" industry category.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Energy conservation processes and technologies by province or territory, 2004: Part 1
  Cogeneration Alternative fuel systems or equipment Fuel substitution Waste energy recovery and reuse Use of energy management or monitoring systems Performed energy audit past three years (2002 to 2004) Other systems, equipment or employee training
  percent 1
Newfoundland and Labrador 4 12 12 16 36 12 28
Prince Edward Island 0 25 13 50 13 13 38
Nova Scotia 11 11 17 37 40 37 3
New Brunswick 13 15 28 37 41 37 26
Quebec 5 5 8 33 30 30 19
Ontario 6 4 4 22 29 26 25
Manitoba 2 11 8 21 43 34 40
Saskatchewan 6 15 10 27 36 34 22
Alberta 15 14 10 31 39 29 31
British Columbia 14 16 15 36 34 32 18
Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories and Nunavut 22 22 0 44 67 22 44
Total 8 8 8 29 33 29 25

Energy conservation processes and technologies by province or territory, 2004: Part 2
  Renewable energy technologies Total 3
Small, mini- or micro-hydroelectric facility Solar energy Wind energy Biomass energy 2 Geothermal Other renewable energy
  percent 1
Newfoundland and Labrador 12 0 0 8 0 0 48
Prince Edward Island 0 0 0 25 0 0 63
Nova Scotia 6 11 6 14 0 3 57
New Brunswick 7 2 0 28 0 4 78
Quebec 1 2 0 14 0 2 55
Ontario 2 2 1 4 1 1 54
Manitoba 0 6 2 6 2 8 64
Saskatchewan 0 19 1 7 0 0 66
Alberta 1 19 1 5 0 1 66
British Columbia 6 11 0 21 1 3 66
Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories and Nunavut 11 33 0 0 0 0 60
Total 3 7 1 9 0 s 2 59
Number of establishments indicating they used the process or technology as a percentage of all establishments that provided a response.
Examples include energy crops and waste-to-energy.
Number of establishments that indicated they used at least one energy conservation process or technology as a percentage of the total number of establishments that provided a response.
This table includes reported data only. This table excludes the "other manufacturing" industry category.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.
Distribution of energy conservation processes and technologies by establishment size
  Number of employees per establishment
Fewer than 100 100 to 499 500 to  999 More than 999
  percent 1
Cogeneration 5 9 10 16
Fuel substitution 4 9 10 20
Alternative fuel systems or equipment 3 5 6 10
Other 14 20 27 53
Renwable energy technologies  
Small, mini, or micro-hydroelectric facility 2 3 6 10
Solar energy systems or equipment 5 4 6 10
Wind energy systems or equipment 1 1 1 9
Biomass energy 2 8 16 19 13
Other renewable energy systems or equipment 2 5 6 9
Total 3 27 41 49 64
Percentage of total employees 4 28 43 51 74
Cogeneration 5 9 11 11
Alternative fuel systems or equipment 5 8 9 16
Fuel substitution 4 10 9 17
Waste energy recovery and reuse 18 31 41 52
Use of energy management or monitoring systems 20 32 48 65
Performed energy audit past three years (2002 to 2004) 17 29 45 54
Other systems, equipment or employee training 14 23 34 49
Renewable energy technologies  
Small, mini- or micro-hydroelectric facility 0 3 5 10
Solar energy systems or equipment 5 4 7 16
Wind energy systems or equipment 0 0 1 10
Biomass energy 2 4 13 12 10
Geothermal 0 0 0 1
Other renewable energy systems or equipment 1 1 3 10
Total 3 42 60 77 88
Percentage of total employees 4 44 61 77 90
Number of establishments indicating they used the energy conservation process or technology as a percentage of the total number of establishments that provided a response.
Examples include energy crops and waste-to-energy.
Number of establishments that indicated they used at least one energy conservation process or technology as a percentage of the total number establishments that provided a response.
Employment of establishments indicating they used at least one energy conservation process or technology as a percentage of the total employment of the establishments that provided a response.
This table includes reported data only. This table excludes the "other manufacturing'"and "pipeline transportation" industry categories.
Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division.