Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Gross Domestic Product by Industry

May 2008


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Statistical tables

  1. Related CANSIM tables
Table 1-1 Monthly
Table 1-2 Quarterly
Table 1-3 Annual
Table 2 Gross domestic product at basic prices, special aggregations, monthly, quarterly and annual
Table 3-1 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
Table 3-2 Mining and oil and gas extraction
Table 3-3 Utilities
Table 3-4 Construction
Table 3-5 Manufacturing
Table 3-6 Food manufacturing
Table 3-7 Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
Table 3-8 Textile, clothing and leather product manufacturing
Table 3-9 Wood product manufacturing
Table 3-10 Paper manufacturing
Table 3-11 Printing and related support activities
Table 3-12 Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
Table 3-13 Chemical manufacturing
Table 3-14 Plastics and rubber products manufacturing
Table 3-15 Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing
Table 3-16 Primary and fabricated metal products manufacturing
Table 3-17 Machinery manufacturing
Table 3-18 Computer and electronic product manufacturing
Table 3-19 Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing
Table 3-20 Transportation equipment manufacturing
Table 3-21 Furniture and related product manufacturing
Table 3-22 Miscellaneous manufacturing
Table 3-23 Wholesale trade and retail trade
Table 3-24 Transportation and warehousing
Table 3-25 Information and cultural industries
Table 3-26 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing and management of companies and enterprises
Table 3-27 Professional, scientific and technical services
Table 3-28 Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
Table 3-29 Educational services
Table 3-30 Health care and social assistance
Table 3-31 Arts, entertainment and recreation
Table 3-32 Accommodation and food services
Table 3-33 Other services (except public administration)
Table 3-34 Public administration