Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Data tables

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Series 100 - Earnings
Series 200 - Market income
Series 300 - Government transfers
Series 400 - Total income
Series 500 - Income tax
Series 600 - After-tax income
Series 700 - Tables with multiple income concepts
Series 800 - Low income
Series 900 - Background tables

Series 100 - Earnings

2020101 Distribution of earnings, by sex, 2005 constant dollars, Canada, provinces and select CMAs
2020102 Average female and male earnings, and female-to- male earnings ratio, by work activity, 2005 constant dollars, Canada, provinces and select CMAs
2020103 Number of earners, by sex and work activity, Canada, provinces and select CMAs
2020104 Female-to-male earnings ratios, by selected characteristics, 2005 constant dollars, Canada, provinces and select CMAs
2020105 Distribution of total income, by husband-wife families, 2005 constant dollars, Canada, provinces and select CMAs
2020106 Earnings of individuals, by selected characteristics and Standard Occupational Classification, 1991 (SOC), 2005 constant dollars, Canada, provinces and select CMAs


Earnings of individuals, by selected characteristics and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 2005 constant dollars, Canada, provinces and select CMAs