Latest Developments in the Canadian Economic Accounts
Reconciling Canadian-U.S. measures of household disposable income and household debt: Update

Release date: December 14, 2015

The Canadian System of National Accounts was recently revised to better reflect the new international System of National Accounts 2008 accounting standard. In many cases, Canada has chosen to adopt international definitions and presentations. In some cases, this has resulted in a divergence between Canadian measures of national account information and the United States (U.S.) measures. One difference concerns the measurement of household disposable income and credit market debt. There are two main reasons for the difference—the first involves the institutional units that are included in the household sector in each country, the second involves the definition of disposable income. This note provides users with a reconciliation between Canadian and U.S. measures of household disposable income, debt and the household credit market debt to disposable income ratio. It should be noted that while this note provides a closer alignment between the Canadian and U.S. measures there are differences that cannot be reconciled and therefore the results presented below represent a best effort in making the estimates as compatible as possible.

Differences due to institutional composition

In Canada, for both the measure of disposable income and credit market debt, the household sector excludes non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) such as religious organizations, social welfare organizations and community recreation associationsNote 1, and includes unincorporated businesses.

In the U.S., the household income data is published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the household debt information is published by the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (FRB). For U.S. disposable income measure, the household sector includes both unincorporated businesses and non-profit institutions serving households whereas for U.S. measures of household credit market debt the debt of unincorporated businesses is excluded.

As a result, when comparing Canadian household disposable income and credit market debt to corresponding measures for the U.S., the disposable income and credit market debt of non-profit institutions should be added to the Canadian household measures and the credit market debt of unincorporated businesses should be added to U.S. household debt measures.

While this does align the sectors on a conceptual level it should be noted that on a practical level the NPISH sector in the U.S. is quite different than the NPISH sector in Canada. The U.S. has many private non-profit schools and hospitals and these institutions are included in the NPISH sector. In Canada there are very few private schools and hospitals and therefore the NPISH sector in Canada is much smaller, relative to the size of the household sector, than the NPISH sector in the U.S. Given the nature of the NPISHs in the U.S., their relative ability to generate income and accumulate debt is greater than that in Canada. Similarly, the relative share of the unincorporated businesses accounts in the U.S. overall production is greater than in the Canadian context.

Differences due to definition

A second difference involves the definition of disposable income in the two countries. In Canada, household disposable income is defined, as recommended by the international standard, as the sum of all incomes received by households residing in Canada, whether factor earnings from current production or net current transfers with other sectors. Factor earnings include compensation of employees, net mixed income, and net property incomeNote 2. Net current transfers are current transfers received from, less current transfers paid to, other sectors including the government sector, non-resident sector and NPISH sector. Transfers paid to the government sector include income tax and payments related to social security while transfers from government include employment insurance and social security benefits. This is illustrated in the following table:

Table 1
Canadian household disposable income
Table summary
This table displays the results of Canadian household disposable income 2009, 2010 and 2011, calculated using millions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  2009 2010 2011
millions of dollars
Compensation of employees 811,425 837,706 877,318
Add: Net mixed income 139,526 145,416 152,208
Add: Property income received 149,951 150,551 157,280
Add: Current transfers received from government 154,307 160887 163130
Add: Current transfers received from NPISH 3,716 3,812 3,991
Add: Current transfers received from non-residents 2,159 2,102 2,077
Equals: Total household income 1,261,084 1,300,474 1,356,004
Subtract: Property income paid 56,144 56,086 56,430
Subtract: Current transfers to government 265,031 269,289 287,781
Subtract: Current transfers to NPISH 13,501 13,937 14,590
Subtract: Current transfers to non-residents 3,481 3,289 3,393
Equals: Household disposable income 922,927 957,873 993,810


In Canada, transactions related to pension funds are consistent with the SNA 2008 manual, while in the United States this is not the case. Currently in the U.S., pension transactions are consolidated with the household sector, and as such, the employer and employee contributions and property incomes are part of household disposable income while pension benefits are not accounted for. According to the SNA, pension contributions and property incomes earned on pensions constitute funds that are not available for current expenditure and therefore should not be included in the measurement of disposable income. In Canada, employees are shown to have received and subsequently pay their pension contributions, while retirees receive pension benefits in the form of current transfers.

In the U.S., interest on non-mortgage loan liabilities (a component of property income paid), net transfers to non-residents and government transfers other than income tax and social security payments are not subtracted before calculating household disposable income. As an aside, the U.S. does publish an annual alternative measure of U.S. household disposable income that is compatible with the Canadian (and SNA) definition, as part of a special submission it provides to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).  Given that this alternative measure is only available on an annual basis, this paper has taken the approach of adjusting the quarterly Canadian measure to match the quarterly U.S. measure.

Reconciling Canadian and U.S. measures of household disposable income

In order to put the Canadian measure of household disposable income on the same definitional and compositional basis as the U.S. measure the following adjustments to the Canadian measure are required:

Household disposable income
Add: Household interest paid on non-mortgage loan liabilities
Add: Household current transfers paid to non-residents, net of transfers received   
   from non-residents
Add: Household other current transfers paid to general governments, excluding contributions to social insurance plans
Add: NPISH disposable income
Add: NPISH interest paid on non-mortgage loan liabilities
Add: NPISH current transfers paid to non-residents, net of transfers received from
Add: NPISH current transfers paid to general governments
Equals: Canadian household disposable income adjusted to the U.S. definition

The following table shows Canadian household disposable income adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition for the years 2009-2011.

Table 2
Canadian household disposable income adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition
Table summary
This table displays the results of Canadian household disposable income adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition 2009, 2010 and 2011, calculated using millions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  2009 2010 2011
millions of dollars
Canadian household disposable income 922,927 957,873 993,810
Add: Household interest paid on non-mortgage loans 20,875 20,892 20,888
Add: Household current transfers paid to non-residents (net) 1,322 1,187 1,316
Add: Household other current transfers paid to general governments, excluding contributions to social insurance plans 13,937 14,417 14,822
Add: NPISH disposable income 23,730 24,735 25,122
Add: NPISH interest paid on non-mortgage loans 1,376 1,491 1,577
Add: NPISH net current transfers paid to non-residents (net) 2,023 2,198 2,217
Add: NPISH current transfers paid to general governments 2,590 2,439 2,439
Equals: Canadian household disposable income adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition 988,780 1,025,232 1,062,191


Reconciling Canada-U.S. household credit market debt

As mentioned above, the U.S. household sector balance sheet, unlike the Canadian one, includes non-profit organizations. Therefore, for consistency purposes, the Canadian NPISH credit market debt should be added to the credit market debt of Canadian households.

As noted earlier, the FRB has separate sectors for households and unincorporated enterprises (noncorporate businesses) with the balance sheet for the household sector recording the net equity position in the unincorporated enterprises they own. In order for the household credit market debt for the U.S. to have the same coverage as the BEA household measure of disposable income, the credit market debt of U.S. noncorporate businesses must be added to the U.S. household credit market debt.

The table below places the Canadian household credit market debt measure on the same compositional basis as the combined household and noncorporate business measure for U.S. household credit market debt. 

Table 3
Canadian household credit market debt adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition
Table summary
This table displays the results of Canadian household credit market debt adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition 2009, 2010 and 2011, calculated using millions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  2009 2010 2011
millions of dollars
Canadian household credit market debt 1,430,550 1,520,399 1,607,321
Add: NPISH credit market debt 7,645 8,127 8,690
Equals: Canadian household credit market debt adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition 1,438,195 1,528,526 1,616,011


As an aside, questions often arise as to the differences between total debt and credit market debt and which should be used when analyzing the household sector.  The difference between total debt and credit market debt is trade credit. Trade credit, or trade payables, do not constitute marketable or negotiable instruments, as they represent short-term credit received in the ordinary course of business by buyers of goods and services – they are typically liabilities of businesses, and while there may be costs related to extending the term of payment on these short term payables, this would be an unusual method of financing and as such these costs are minimal. Since the household sector includes unincorporated businesses total debt includes trade payables but it is the general practice across countries to exclude these in defining credit market debt. Credit market debt, which for households includes consumer credit, mortgage debt, and non-mortgage loan liabilities, is a more representative measure of the debt burden which households are required to service.  In both Canada and the U.S., this is the most widely used measure of debt for the household sector.

Reconciling the Canada-U.S. debt to income ratio

As a measure of leverage and debt burden relative to annual disposable income, the ratio of debt to disposable income remains a useful and closely followed indicator of households' financial strength. To fully benefit from its analytical content, the debt to disposable income ratio should be used in conjunction with additional leverage and debt servicing indicators, such as the debt service ratio. In addition, comparisons across countries are informative provided there is consistency in definitions, concepts and methodologies used.

Given that it is possible to reconcile Canadian and U.S. household disposable income and household credit market debt, it is therefore possible to construct compatible credit market debt to income ratios for the household sectors in the two countries.

While neither the BEA nor the FRB publish a U.S. credit market debt to income ratio, the formulation below corresponds to that used by most analysts:

U.S. household credit market debt U.S. household disposable income ( seasonally adjusted at annual rates ) MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0=yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr=x fr=xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaaSaaaeaaqa aaaaaaaaWdbiaadwfacaGGUaGaam4uaiaac6cacaqGGaGaamiAaiaa d+gacaWG1bGaam4CaiaadwgacaWGObGaam4BaiaadYgacaWGKbGaae iiaiaadogacaWGYbGaamyzaiaadsgacaWGPbGaamiDaiaabccacaWG TbGaamyyaiaadkhacaWGRbGaamyzaiaadshacaqGGaGaamizaiaadw gacaWGIbGaamiDaaWdaeaapeGaamyvaiaac6cacaWGtbGaaiOlaiaa bccacaWGObGaam4BaiaadwhacaWGZbGaamyzaiaadIgacaWGVbGaam iBaiaadsgacaqGGaGaamizaiaadMgacaWGZbGaamiCaiaad+gacaWG ZbGaamyyaiaadkgacaWGSbGaamyzaiaabccacaWGPbGaamOBaiaado gacaWGVbGaamyBaiaadwgacaqGGaWdamaabmaabaWdbiaadohacaWG LbGaamyyaiaadohacaWGVbGaamOBaiaadggacaWGSbGaamiBaiaadM hacaqGGaGaamyyaiaadsgacaWGQbGaamyDaiaadohacaWG0bGaamyz aiaadsgacaqGGaGaamyyaiaadshacaqGGaGaamyyaiaad6gacaWGUb GaamyDaiaadggacaWGSbGaaeiiaiaadkhacaWGHbGaamiDaiaadwga caWGZbaapaGaayjkaiaawMcaaaaaaaa@91B8@

The ratio compares a flow incurred over a given time period (income) to a stock at a given point in time (debt). A monthly, quarterly or annual income measure can be chosen when constructing this ratio – as a general convention, an annual income measure is most often used. The Canadian measure uses a four-quarter cumulative sum of quarterly household disposable income to derive the annual income measure to be compared to the quarterly stock of household credit market debt.

While the Canadian measure uses the four-quarter cumulation of quarterly seasonally unadjusted household income, in the U.S. the BEA does not publish seasonally unadjusted estimates of disposable income. The measure that is most often used by analysts is the U.S. seasonally adjusted household disposable income at annual rates.

Given that household disposable income generally increases from one quarter to the next the annualized seasonally adjusted measure will generally be higher than the four-quarter moving sum of unadjusted data as it is used in the Canadian measure. As a result, the value of annualized household disposable income that enters the Canadian ratio versus the value of annualized household disposable income that enters the U.S. ratio will tend to be lower due to the difference in the annualization procedure.

This effect is clearly demonstrated in the following chart which compares the Canadian household disposable income seasonally adjusted at annual rates with the four-quarter cumulation of quarterly seasonally unadjusted Canadian household disposable income. The seasonally adjusted at annual rates series is higher than the four-quarter cumulation of the quarterly seasonally unadjusted series for most of the 1990 to 2012 period.

Chart 1. Canadian household disposable income, quarterly estimate

Description for Chart 1

The title of the graph is "Chart 1 Canadian household disposable income, Quarterly estimates."
This is a line chart.
There are in total 90 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 350,000 and ends at 1,050,000 with ticks every 100,000 points.
There are 2 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "$ millions."
The horizontal axis is "Year and quarter."
The title of series 1 is "Seasonally adjusted at annual rates."
The minimum value is 416,208 and it corresponds to "90Q2."
The maximum value is 1,025,072 and it corresponds to "12Q2."
The title of series 2 is "Four-quarter moving sum, seasonally unadjusted."
The minimum value is 413,248 and it corresponds to "90Q1."
The maximum value is 1,009,236 and it corresponds to "12Q2."

Data table for Chart 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for Chart 1 Seasonally adjusted at annual rates and Four-quarter moving sum, seasonally unadjusted (appearing as column headers).
  Seasonally adjusted at annual rates Four-quarter moving sum, seasonally unadjusted
90Q1 425,640 413,248
90Q2 416,208 415,367
90Q3 427,708 420,994
90Q4 435,792 426,337
91Q1 442,644 430,639
91Q2 437,120 435,566
91Q3 442,680 439,327
91Q4 445,132 441,894
92Q1 446,744 443,602
92Q2 451,960 448,160
92Q3 463,040 452,775
92Q4 457,020 454,691
93Q1 463,080 459,430
93Q2 482,356 467,825
93Q3 469,112 468,366
93Q4 468,240 470,697
94Q1 472,848 472,939
94Q2 477,072 471,627
94Q3 477,300 473,658
94Q4 483,208 477,607
95Q1 486,324 480,475
95Q2 490,308 483,237
95Q3 490,588 487,222
95Q4 495,172 490,598
96Q1 494,628 492,666
96Q2 495,708 492,927
96Q3 498,908 495,666
96Q4 506,744 498,997
97Q1 507,812 503,462
97Q2 512,976 507,811
97Q3 523,208 512,220
97Q4 524,788 517,196
98Q1 530,192 522,824
98Q2 533,556 527,050
98Q3 542,156 532,255
98Q4 551,224 539,282
99Q1 553,464 545,277
99Q2 564,892 553,244
99Q3 571,180 559,778
99Q4 579,904 567,360
00Q1 589,896 575,025
00Q2 598,152 583,501
00Q3 609,044 593,295
00Q4 621,764 604,714
01Q1 633,256 614,829
01Q2 620,332 620,236
01Q3 631,140 626,347
01Q4 641,084 631,453
02Q1 654,824 636,114
02Q2 652,472 644,754
02Q3 661,104 651,807
02Q4 669,580 659,495
03Q1 676,932 665,013
03Q2 687,956 674,333
03Q3 689,580 681,642
03Q4 693,008 686,869
04Q1 706,280 692,895
04Q2 721,680 701,502
04Q3 726,116 711,163
04Q4 733,992 722,017
05Q1 737,100 729,459
05Q2 747,996 736,497
05Q3 764,640 745,892
05Q4 773,128 755,716
06Q1 809,188 774,061
06Q2 797,292 786,034
06Q3 816,728 798,982
06Q4 830,676 813,471
07Q1 842,924 820,683
07Q2 844,384 832,377
07Q3 862,184 844,776
07Q4 876,448 856,485
08Q1 897,624 869,049
08Q2 902,676 881,817
08Q3 905,068 895,460
08Q4 910,808 904,044
09Q1 913,396 908,132
09Q2 920,268 913,189
09Q3 928,372 917,703
09Q4 929,672 922,927
10Q1 935,036 929,346
10Q2 968,908 941,386
10Q3 955,136 947,075
10Q4 972,412 957,873
11Q1 981,492 969,533
11Q2 988,092 974,491
11Q3 997,892 985,078
11Q4 1,007,764 993,810
12Q1 1,015,208 1,001,120
12Q2 1,025,072 1,009,236

In order to make the Canadian household credit market debt to household disposable income ratio consistent with the way the U.S. measure is frequently constructed, the seasonally adjusted at annual rates measure of Canadian household disposable income should be used when computing the ratio.

The following table and chart take the quarterly seasonally adjusted Canadian household disposable income adjusted for U.S. definitions and composition above and annualize the values, and recalculate the Canada household debt to disposable income ratio using this new adjusted measure.

Table 4
Canadian and U.S. household credit market debt to disposable income ratios
Table summary
This table displays the results of Canadian and U.S. household credit market debt to disposable income ratios Canadian household credit market debt adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition, Canadian household disposable income adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition (seasonally adjusted at annual rates) and Canadian household credit market debt to disposable income ratio comparable with the U.S. measure, calculated using millions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Canadian household credit market debt adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition Canadian household disposable income adjusted to the U.S. definition and composition (seasonally adjusted at annual rates) Canadian household credit market debt to disposable income ratio comparable with the U.S. measure
millions of dollars
2009Q1 1,347,884 981,028 137.40
2009Q2 1,381,927 986,312 140.11
2009Q3 1,410,349 993,280 141.99
2009Q4 1,438,195 994,500 144.61
2010Q1 1,450,610 1,000,824 144.94
2010Q2 1,483,517 1,035,604 143.25
2010Q3 1,506,004 1,023,148 147.19
2010Q4 1,528,526 1,041,352 146.78
2011Q1 1,538,091 1,049,136 146.61
2011Q2 1,565,423 1,058,412 147.90
2011Q3 1,593,824 1,065,528 149.58
2011Q4 1,616,011 1,075,688 150.23
2012Q1 1,627,270 1,083,884 150.13
2012Q2 1,657,070 1,095,800 151.22


Chart 2. Household credit market debt to disposable income — comparing the Canadian and U.S. ratios

Description for Chart 2

The title of the graph is "Chart 2 Household credit market debt to disposable income — comparing Canadian and U.S. ratios."
This is a line chart.
There are in total 90 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 60 and ends at 180 with ticks every 20 points.
There are 3 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "ratio."
The horizontal axis is "Year and quarter."
The title of series 1 is "Canadian ratio."
The minimum value is 85.15 and it corresponds to "90Q1."
The maximum value is 163.19 and it corresponds to "12Q2."
The title of series 2 is "Adjusted Canadian ratio, comparable with the U.S. ratio."
The minimum value is 78.33 and it corresponds to "90Q1."
The maximum value is 151.22 and it corresponds to "12Q2."
The title of series 3 is "U.S. ratio."
The minimum value is 105 and it corresponds to "93Q2."
The maximum value is 164.48 and it corresponds to "07Q4."

Data table for Chart 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for Chart 2 Canadian ratio, Adjusted Canadian ratio, comparable with the U.S. ratio and U.S. ratio (appearing as column headers).
  Canadian ratio Adjusted Canadian ratio, comparable with the U.S. ratio U.S. ratio
90Q1 85.15 78.33 109.48
90Q2 87.22 82.13 109.33
90Q3 86.81 80.65 109.59
90Q4 86.96 80.38 110.20
91Q1 86.50 79.68 109.28
91Q2 86.68 81.83 109.39
91Q3 88.30 83.02 108.92
91Q4 88.53 83.40 108.62
92Q1 88.85 83.71 106.36
92Q2 89.41 84.29 105.64
92Q3 90.19 84.00 105.59
92Q4 91.89 87.07 105.01
93Q1 90.31 85.61 105.79
93Q2 90.43 84.07 105.00
93Q3 90.40 86.51 106.04
93Q4 90.85 87.45 105.61
94Q1 91.29 87.47 106.16
94Q2 92.62 87.77 105.58
94Q3 93.67 88.85 105.86
94Q4 94.70 89.40 106.25
95Q1 94.74 89.15 105.75
95Q2 94.78 88.87 107.09
95Q3 95.89 90.53 107.94
95Q4 95.73 90.20 108.70
96Q1 96.77 91.70 108.03
96Q2 97.93 92.69 108.28
96Q3 98.63 93.34 108.89
96Q4 99.65 93.63 109.41
97Q1 99.71 94.23 108.80
97Q2 100.19 94.45 109.62
97Q3 101.58 94.72 109.97
97Q4 102.88 96.55 110.03
98Q1 104.16 97.55 108.88
98Q2 104.56 97.81 109.87
98Q3 105.75 98.56 110.63
98Q4 105.88 98.29 112.19
99Q1 106.18 99.29 112.84
99Q2 106.94 99.44 114.35
99Q3 107.92 100.28 116.09
99Q4 108.42 100.59 116.26
00Q1 108.15 99.81 114.38
00Q2 108.53 99.88 115.83
00Q3 108.69 99.85 116.89
00Q4 107.92 98.13 119.10
01Q1 106.26 97.15 118.99
01Q2 106.84 100.64 122.04
01Q3 106.77 100.05 121.83
01Q4 107.29 99.96 126.27
02Q1 108.23 99.64 124.76
02Q2 109.26 102.26 126.22
02Q3 109.95 102.72 129.11
02Q4 110.80 103.38 131.93
03Q1 111.42 103.68 132.90
03Q2 112.16 104.30 134.52
03Q3 114.23 106.89 135.25
03Q4 116.11 108.86 137.40
04Q1 117.02 108.35 138.40
04Q2 120.01 110.11 140.16
04Q3 121.43 112.27 142.10
04Q4 122.71 113.83 143.35
05Q1 123.85 115.60 147.28
05Q2 126.00 116.86 149.81
05Q3 128.02 117.45 151.85
05Q4 129.68 119.58 153.92
06Q1 128.70 116.13 154.19
06Q2 130.13 120.40 156.30
06Q3 131.53 120.77 158.52
06Q4 132.62 121.82 159.75
07Q1 133.88 121.91 160.44
07Q2 136.81 125.97 162.26
07Q3 139.47 127.73 164.28
07Q4 141.09 128.68 164.48
08Q1 142.13 128.61 161.97
08Q2 144.35 131.77 157.72
08Q3 145.44 134.42 160.27
08Q4 146.09 135.54 162.83
09Q1 147.62 137.40 163.90
09Q2 150.52 140.11 162.79
09Q3 152.86 141.99 163.48
09Q4 155.00 144.61 161.81
10Q1 155.25 144.94 156.66
10Q2 156.75 143.25 152.92
10Q3 158.17 147.19 151.35
10Q4 158.73 146.78 149.95
11Q1 157.79 146.61 146.03
11Q2 159.78 147.90 144.46
11Q3 160.93 149.58 143.84
11Q4 161.73 150.23 143.85
12Q1 161.66 150.13 141.09
12Q2 163.19 151.22 140.14

While this paper has dealt with adjusting the Canadian measures of disposable income and debt to better match the U.S. concepts and definitions, as noted earlier, the BEA does publish an alternate annual measure of U.S. disposable income consistent with the SNA definition (and new Canadian definition)Note 4. Therefore it is possible to align the U.S. measure to the Canadian measure rather than the Canadian measure to the U.S. one.  The drawback with this approach is the data are only available on an annual basis and the U.S. measure still includes the disposable income of non-profit institutions serving households. 

The following chart provides an annual Canadian—U.S. comparison of the household credit market debt to disposable income ratio on two bases: (i) with U.S. current definitions and concepts used in the derivation of U.S. official debt and disposable income measures; and (ii) with SNA definitions and concepts, currently used in the Canadian official debt and disposable income measures but including the non-profit institutions serving households.  Both approaches yield similar conclusions to the comparative analysis of trends in household credit market debt to disposable income in Canada and the U.S.

Chart 3. Household credit market debt to disposable income annual ratios — comparing Canadian and U.S. ratios  derived on (i) U.S. current basis and (ii) SNA basis

Description for Chart 3

The title of the graph is "Chart 3 Household credit market debt to disposable income annual ratios — comparing Canadian and U.S. ratios derived on U.S. current basis and SNA basis.Chart 3, Note 1"
This is a line chart.
There are in total 22 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 60 and ends at 180 with ticks every 20 points.
There are 4 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "ratio."
The units of the horizontal axis are years from 1990 to 2011.
The title of series 1 is "Canadian ratio, U.S. current basis."
The minimum value is 82.17 occurring in 1990.
The maximum value is 152.14 occurring in 2011.
The title of series 2 is "U.S. ratio, U.S. current basis."
The minimum value is 107.61 occurring in 1992.
The maximum value is 167.64 occurring in 2007.
The title of series 3 is "Canadian ratio, SNA basis."
The minimum value is 85.86 occurring in 1990.
The maximum value is 158.6 occurring in 2011.
The title of series 4 is "U.S. ratio, SNA basis."
The minimum value is 111.37 occurring in 1993.
The maximum value is 174.48 occurring in 2007.

Data table for Chart 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for Chart 3 Canadian ratio, U.S. current basis, U.S. ratio, U.S. current basis, Canadian ratio, SNA basis and U.S. ratio, SNA basis (appearing as column headers).
  Canadian ratio, U.S. current basis U.S. ratio, U.S. current basis Canadian ratio, SNA basis U.S. ratio, SNA basis
1990 82.17 111.94 85.86 115.80
1991 83.89 110.70 87.49 114.61
1992 87.39 107.61 90.62 111.56
1993 86.99 108.06 89.78 111.37
1994 90.61 109.11 93.55 112.25
1995 91.08 110.33 94.57 113.82
1996 94.92 111.62 98.39 115.66
1997 97.98 112.54 101.31 116.90
1998 100.46 114.31 104.22 118.69
1999 102.84 119.02 106.64 123.52
2000 101.65 121.13 105.74 126.01
2001 101.23 126.87 105.38 131.96
2002 104.97 133.17 108.93 138.14
2003 109.94 140.41 114.16 145.07
2004 115.78 147.27 120.40 152.69
2005 122.18 157.40 127.22 163.13
2006 124.61 162.90 130.23 168.98
2007 131.79 167.64 138.39 174.48
2008 136.52 161.24 143.22 167.34
2009 145.45 161.99 151.92 167.67
2010 149.09 151.91 155.56 156.76
2011 152.14 144.46 158.60 148.73


The intention of this note is to provide guidance to users undertaking comparative analysis of disposable income and credit market debt of the Canadian and the U.S. household sectors. Recognizing the current differences in data availability, concepts and definitions between the national accounts systems in the two countries, this note provides a way to place the Canadian disposable income and Canadian household credit market debt measures on a conceptually and definitionally consistent basis with the corresponding measures in the U.S. It should be noted that this is considered an interim solution and this note does not argue that this is a better or more representative measure. As the national accounts systems in the two countries become more harmonized and better aligned to the international national accounting standards, the adjustments suggested in this note should become redundant.


Appendix Table
Canadian household debt to income ratio, adjusted for U.S. concepts and definitions
Table summary
This table displays the results of Canadian household debt to income ratio Canadian household debt to income ratio, adjusted for U.S. concepts and definitions and CANSIM Vector (appearing as column headers).
  Canadian household debt to income ratio, adjusted for U.S. concepts and definitions CANSIM Vector
1 Household disposable income V62305980
2 Add: household non-mortgage interest payments (adjusted for financial intermediation services indirectly measured) V62306169 minus (V62700549 multiplied by 4)
3 Add: Change in pension entitlements V105775422
4 Add: household current transfers to non-residents (net) V62305979 minus V62305971
5 Add: household other current transfers paid to general governments, excluding contributions to social insurance plans V62305977 minus V62305978
6 Add: non-profit institutions serving households' disposable income V62306061
7 Add: non-profit institutions serving households' non-mortgage interest payments V62306048
8 Add: non-profit institutions serving households' current transfers to non-residents (net) V62306060 minus V62306055
9 Add: non-profit institutions serving households' current transfers paid to general governments V62306059
10 Equals: household disposable income adjusted for U.S. concepts and definitions (1) plus (2) plus (3) plus (4) plus (5) plus (6) plus (7) plus (8) plus (9)
11 Household credit market debt V62698011
12 Add: non-profit institutions serving households' credit market debt V62698015
13 Equals: household credit market debt adjusted for U.S. concepts and definitions (11) plus (12)
14 Household credit market debt to disposable income ratio adjusted for U.S. concepts and defintions (13) divided by (10)



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