Table 1
Current treatment of natural resources in the sector accounts

Table summary
This table displays the results of Current treatment of natural resources in the sector accounts. The information is grouped by National Balance Sheet Accounts sectors/assets (appearing as row headers), Households, Corporations, Government, Sum of domestic sectors and Consolidated national balance sheet (CNBS), calculated using billions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
National Balance Sheet Accounts sectors/assets Households Corporations Government Sum of domestic sectors Consolidated national balance sheet (CNBS)
billions of dollars
Total assets 4,500 5,300 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 9,800 4,700
Non-financial assets Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 3,300 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 3,300 National wealth: 4,700
Produced assets Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 3,300 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 3,300 3,300
Non-produced assets  
Tangible natural resources Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note N/A: not applicable Note N/A: not applicable Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 1,400
Intangible assets related to natural resources Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note N/A: not applicable Note N/A: not applicable Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Financial assets 4,500 2,000 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 6,500 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Liabilities and net worth 4,500 5,300 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 9,800 4,700
Debt Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 3,000 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 3,000 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Equity at market value Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 3,500 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 3,500 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Sectoral net worth (residual corporate net worth in the corporate sector) 4,500 -1,200 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 3,300 National net worth: 4,700
Memo item: Corporate net worth as a net asset value Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 2,300 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
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