Income and Expenditure Accounts Technical Series
The Natural Resources Satellite Account: Feasibility study
Table 20
Forestry supply use table, 2012

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Table 20
Forestry supply use table, 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of Forestry supply use table. The information is grouped by Supply - Use (appearing as row headers), Natural resources, Natural resources (excluding fuel wood) and Downstream processing, calculated using millions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Supply - Use Natural resources Natural resources (excluding fuel wood) Downstream processing
millions of dollars
Production 43,423 42,736 25,683
Imports 4,947 4,940 11,494
Margins 8,435 8,303 11,589
Total supply 56,805 55,980 48,766
Intermediate input 33,424 33,413 22,164
Domestic demand 1,712 899 18,478
Household consumption 1,477 664 13,980
Government consumption 0 0 0
Non-profit institutions service households consumption 0 0 0
Construction 0 0 355
Machinery and equipment 0 0 4,039
Intellectual property products 234 234 105
Inventories -580 -579 -341
Exports 22,250 22,247 8,465
Total use 56,805 55,980 48,766
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