Income and Expenditure Accounts Technical Series
The Natural Resources Satellite Account: Feasibility study
Table 13
Energy sub-sector expenditure account, 2012

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Table 13
Energy sub-sector expenditure account, 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of Energy sub-sector expenditure account. The information is grouped by Expenditure account (appearing as row headers), Natural resources and Natural resources (excluding fuel wood, coal and uranium), calculated using millions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Expenditure account Natural resources Natural resources (excluding fuel wood, coal and uranium)
millions of dollars
Final demand 78,316 77,503
Intermediate demand outside of sector 120,775 121,676
Inventories -481 -541
Plus: Exports 121,086 113,855
Minus: Imports 59,866 57,709
Minus: Intermediate products from other sectors 59,527 61,035
Gross domestic product at market prices 200,303 193,750
Minus: Margin adjustment 48,162 46,266
Gross domestic product at basic prices 152,140 147,484
Implicit gross domestic product deflator 0.91 0.91
Real gross domestic product at basic prices 167,187 162,070
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