Table 2 Employee jobs, hours and wages by employee characteristics for tourism industries, Ontario, 2008

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  Total Gender Age group Immigrant status
Female Male 15 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 + Immigrant Non-immigrant
Number of employee jobs thousands
Transportation 71 26 45 5 13 15 37 20 50
Accommodation 62 37 26 18 11 11 21 20 42
Food and beverage services 321 193 127 159 57 45 59 91 230
Recreation and entertainment 87 43 44 34 15 13 25 15 72
Travel services 17 13 5 2 4 4 7 7 11
Full-time 339 176 162 74 75 72 117 109 229
Part-time 220 135 84 145 25 16 33 43 177
Total tourism industries 558 312 247 219 100 89 150 152 406
Average weekly hours worked per job hours
Transportation 32.4 26.6 35.8 22.9 27.7 38.3 33.0 35.2 31.3
Accommodation 31.4 29.9 33.7 16.8 35.0 39.9 37.7 37.9 28.4
Food and beverage services 26.9 25.1 29.7 18.3 33.0 36.3 37.1 32.3 24.8
Recreation and entertainment 29.2 27.4 30.9 15.5 37.3 42.1 36.1 31.4 28.7
Travel services 34.4 33.0 38.2 21.0 33.7 36.5 36.8 36.5 33.1
Full-time 37.5 34.9 40.4 26.6 38.5 41.9 40.9 40.0 36.3
Part-time 15.2 15.4 14.8 13.4 17.1 20.5 18.6 16.9 14.8
Total tourism industries 28.7 26.4 31.6 17.9 33.2 38.0 36.0 33.5 26.9
Average hourly wages per job dollars
Transportation 26.25 23.32 27.48 15.11 22.78 28.06 27.50 24.00 27.25
Accommodation 18.90 16.69 21.75 12.66 17.52 19.37 21.75 21.82 17.07
Food and beverage services 12.88 12.06 13.92 10.36 13.06 14.33 14.98 12.47 13.08
Recreation and entertainment 21.44 19.85 22.83 13.60 20.24 24.02 25.13 22.18 21.28
Travel services 24.26 23.42 26.29 13.65 19.84 26.67 26.51 22.54 25.45
Full-time 18.35 16.08 20.48 11.35 16.35 19.90 21.46 17.26 18.93
Part-time 13.34 13.03 13.85 10.97 14.42 16.27 18.42 14.31 13.06
Total tourism industries 17.31 15.31 19.42 11.16 16.10 19.54 21.11 16.84 17.53
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