Table 17
Sources and Disposition of Personal Income, Saskatchewan

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Table 17
Sources and Disposition of Personal Income, Saskatchewan
Table summary
This table displays the results of Sources and disposition of personal income. This information is grouped by Item appearing as row headers and is grouped by 1981 to 2010 appearing as column headers calculated using millions of dollars as a unit of measure.
Item 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Millions of dollars
Source: Statistics Canada, Provincial and Territorial Economic Accounts: Data Tables, catalogue number 13-018-X.
Wages, salaries and supplementary labour income (national basis) 5,915 6,499 7,001 7,491 7,608 8,186 8,344 8,677 8,971 9,579 9,926 10,161 10,257 10,640 11,086 11,446 12,215 12,655 13,038 13,599 14,177 14,839 15,726 16,689 17,620 19,197 20,733 22,702 23,862 25,389
Accrued net income of farm operators from farm production 1,001 1,031 454 358 816 1,361 202 472 366 664 595 279 329 155 583 1,375 90 174 339 247 50 97 293 784 289 -268 126 1,940 832 307
Net income of non-farm unincorporated business, including rent 531 654 840 924 995 1,072 1,120 1,165 1,169 1,156 1,148 1,203 1,291 1,418 1,494 1,553 1,639 1,742 1,775 1,875 1,953 2,014 2,067 2,108 2,168 2,264 2,423 2,726 3,233 3,558
Interest, dividends and miscellaneous investment income 1,954 2,321 2,114 2,254 2,386 2,507 2,565 2,814 3,173 3,572 3,422 3,016 2,895 2,851 3,119 3,096 2,990 3,043 3,126 3,299 3,167 2,835 2,775 2,887 2,981 3,233 3,565 3,953 3,726 3,796
Current transfers from government 1,225 1,474 1,709 1,909 2,061 2,217 2,339 2,474 2,580 2,736 2,985 3,193 3,429 3,456 3,551 3,552 3,631 3,839 3,953 4,013 4,131 4,254 4,448 4,646 4,661 4,869 5,326 5,793 5,846 6,134
Current transfers from corporations 13 13 15 13 12 13 14 13 16 12 12 13 16 19 22 27 40 34 38 48 90 41 37 57 64 74 70 75 59 69
Current transfers from non-residents 22 24 25 26 29 36 39 41 42 45 49 54 60 66 69 71 71 76 76 78 79 80 81 78 78 78 79 84 87 101
Personal income 10,661 12,016 12,158 12,975 13,907 15,392 14,623 15,656 16,317 17,764 18,137 17,919 18,277 18,605 19,924 21,120 20,676 21,563 22,345 23,159 23,647 24,160 25,427 27,249 27,861 29,447 32,322 37,273 37,645 39,354
Direct taxes, persons 1,302 1,447 1,589 1,537 1,622 1,867 1,994 2,144 2,199 2,598 2,668 2,635 2,508 2,740 2,910 3,108 3,347 3,473 3,484 3,551 3,601 3,427 3,416 3,562 3,841 4,238 4,832 5,049 4,910 4,981
Contributions to social insurance plans 322 360 437 469 520 552 587 639 603 720 811 912 943 1,012 1,057 1,082 1,150 1,151 1,180 1,260 1,373 1,495 1,578 1,601 1,674 1,755 1,873 1,943 2,134 2,180
Other current transfers to government 53 61 67 78 80 77 85 98 103 103 123 126 109 125 134 131 150 163 164 161 179 189 195 194 201 210 214 244 246 253
Personal disposable income 8,984 10,148 10,065 10,891 11,685 12,896 11,957 12,775 13,412 14,343 14,535 14,246 14,717 14,728 15,823 16,799 16,029 16,776 17,517 18,187 18,494 19,049 20,238 21,892 22,145 23,244 25,403 30,037 30,355 31,940
Personal expenditure on consumer goods and services 7,035 7,619 8,433 9,121 9,707 10,298 10,951 11,481 11,999 12,473 12,675 12,882 13,478 14,175 14,711 15,248 16,110 16,422 17,053 17,895 18,525 19,480 20,294 21,006 21,949 23,157 25,162 27,220 28,251 29,544
Current transfers to corporations 210 200 170 176 175 190 213 243 325 370 320 270 228 238 309 297 237 327 324 385 382 330 358 364 390 455 506 453 418 448
Current transfers to non-residents 15 18 19 20 22 25 26 30 32 28 30 32 35 36 38 41 45 49 58 63 69 108 100 116 135 137 168 169 169 170
Personal saving 1,724 2,311 1,443 1,574 1,781 2,383 767 1,021 1,056 1,472 1,510 1,062 976 279 765 1,213 -363 -22 82 -156 -482 -869 -514 406 -329 -505 -433 2,195 1,517 1,778
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