Canada at a Glance 2020

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Chart 8 Police-reported crime rate

Data table for Chart 8 
Data table for Chart 8
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for Chart 8. The information is grouped by (appearing as row headers), rate per 100,000 population (appearing as column headers).
Rate per 100,000 population
2008 6,630.85
2009 6,461.20
2010 6,158.86
2011 5,779.93
2012 5,638.11
2013 5,206.04
2014 5,061.35
2015 5,231.60
2016 5,297.09
2017 5,375.25
2018 5,488.36

Table 10
Police-reported crime statistics
Table summary
This table displays the results of Police-reported crime statistics. The information is grouped by (appearing as row headers), 2008, 2013 and 2018, calculated using actual incidents units of measure (appearing as column headers).
2008 2013 2018
actual incidents
Criminal Code violations (excluding traffic) 2,204,479 1,826,431 2,033,925
Violent Criminal Code violations 443,608 384,385 423,767
Property crimes 1,415,572 1,106,509 1,237,324
Total other Criminal Code violations 345,299 335,537 372,834
Selected violations
Homicide 611 512 651
Sexual assault (levels 1 to 3) 21,472 21,196 28,741
Assault (levels 1 to 3) 239,432 207,519 226,672
Breaking and entering 211,078 156,470 159,812
Motor vehicle theft 125,568 72,512 86,132
Drugs 102,271 109,091 83,483
Impaired driving 84,694 77,558 70,593

Chart 9 Police officers per 100,000 population, by province

Data table for Chart 9 
Data table for Chart 9
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for Chart 9. The information is grouped by (appearing as row headers), 1988 and 2018, calculated using police officers per 100,000 population (rate) units of measure (appearing as column headers).
1988 2018
police officers per 100,000 population (rate)
Canada 199.0 185.0
N.L. 157.2 171.3
P.E.I. 140.0 141.0
N.S. 161.0 193.8
N.B. 168.4 159.5
Que. 207.7 189.3
Ont. 198.8 176.8
Man. 187.9 188.7
Sask. 187.6 186.4
Alta. 171.3 174.4
B.C. 180.7 185.2
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