Table 8
Estimation of resource allocation against offshoring

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Table summary
This table displays the results of Estimation of resource allocation against offshoring. Ordinary least squares, Generalized method of moments estimation, Regression 1, Regression 2, Regression 3, Regression 4 and Regression 5, calculated using coefficient and p-value units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Ordinary least squares Generalized method of moments estimation
Regression 1 Regression 2 Regression 3 Regression 4 Regression 5
coefficient p-value coefficient p-value coefficient p-value coefficient p-value coefficient p-value
Constant 3.75Note ** 0.00 2.31Note ** 0.00 2.51Note ** 0.00 2.83Note ** 0.00 2.73Note ** 0.00
Offshoring intensity Note ...: not applicable    Note ...: not applicable 8.06Note ** 0.00 Note ...: not applicable    Note ...: not applicable 6.74Note ** 0.00 Note ...: not applicable    Note ...: not applicable
Offshoring to U.S. locations Note ...: not applicable    Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable    Note ...: not applicable 3.14    0.10 Note ...: not applicable    Note ...: not applicable 2.83    0.28
Offshoring to non-U.S. locations Note ...: not applicable    Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable    Note ...: not applicable 17.10Note ** 0.00 Note ...: not applicable    Note ...: not applicable 16.10Note ** 0.01
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