Table 2
Unweighted mean of firm labour productivity and Olley-Pakes covariance by industry, 2006

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Table summary
This table displays the results of Unweighted mean of firm labour productivity and Olley-Pakes covariance by industry, 2006. Firm labour productivity and Olley-Pakes covariance, calculated using unweighted mean and covariance units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Firm labour productivity Olley-Pakes covariance
unweighted mean covariance
Total manufacturing 91.7 5.1
Non-durables 97.6 4.6
Food 83.8 1.9
Beverage and tobacco 151.4 16.3
Textile 70.5 2.4
Textile product 63.7 1.6
Clothing 47.1 0.4
Leather 39.0 0.7
Paper 130.3 5.3
Printing 94.3 0.9
Petroleum and coal 212.0 35.2
Chemical 187.8 10.0
Plastics and rubber 99.6 0.9
Durables 88.7 5.4
Wood product 114.3 2.9
Non-metallic mineral 105.3 3.5
Primary metal 123.4 11.2
Fabricated metal 80.4 1.2
Machinery 93.3 1.1
Computer and electronic 100.2 1.4
Electrical equipment and appliance 87.4 0.6
Transportation equipment 118.1 12.7
Furniture 54.0 0.9
Miscellaneous 73.4 0.4
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