Table 2
Components of business-sector nominal gross domestic product (GDP) for small, medium-sized, and large businesses, Canada, 2001 and 2008

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Components of business-sector nominal gross domestic product (GDP) for small, medium-sized, and large businesses, Canada, 2001 and 2008

Table summary
This table displays the results of components of business-sector nominal gross domestic product (gdp) for small business size class, 2001, total 2001, business size class, 2008, total 2008 and small, calculated using small, medium-sized, large, millions of dollars and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Business size class, 2001 Total 2001 Business size class, 2008 Total 2008
small medium-sized large small medium-sized large
  millions of dollars
Value of business-sector GDP  
Gross operating surplus 78,629  34,871  166,117  279,617  114,993  36,015  285,062  436,069 
Labour income  
Wages and salaries 174,738  58,561  153,480  386,780  244,543  81,920  217,981  544,444 
Supplementary labour income 14,789  6,767  23,958  45,514  21,081  10,215  37,178  68,474 
Total 189,527  65,328  177,438  432,293  265,624  92,135  255,159  612,918 
Mixed income 42,024  2,032  1,480  45,536  57,060  2,476  1,817  61,353 
Indirect taxes on production  
Taxes 22,367  2,068  11,611  36,045  32,480  2,523  12,190  47,193 
Subsidies -808  -54  -31  -892  -638  -109  -35  -782 
Net 21,559  2,014  11,580  35,153  31,842  2,414  12,155  46,410 
GDP at basic prices 331,740  104,244  356,615  792,600  469,518  133,040  554,192  1,156,750 
Share of business-sector GDP  
Gross operating surplus 28.1 12.5 59.4 100.0 26.4 8.3 65.4 100.0
Labour income  
Wages and salaries 45.2 15.1 39.7 100.0 44.9 15.0 40.0 100.0
Supplementary labour income 32.5 14.9 52.6 100.0 30.8 14.9 54.3 100.0
Total 43.8 15.1 41.0 100.0 43.3 15.0 41.6 100.0
Mixed income 92.3 4.5 3.3 100.0 93.0 4.0 3.0 100.0
Indirect taxes on production  
Taxes 62.1 5.7 32.2 100.0 68.8 5.3 25.8 100.0
Subsidies 90.5 6.0 3.4 100.0 81.6 13.9 4.5 100.0
Net 61.3 5.7 32.9 100.0 68.6 5.2 26.2 100.0
GDP at basic prices 41.9 13.2 45.0 100.0 40.6 11.5 47.9 100.0
Note(s): Numbers may not add up as a result of rounding.                
Numbers may not add up as a result of rounding.
Statistics Canada, authors' calculations.
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