Table 3
Real investment in education in Canada, by gender and education level, 1976 to 2005

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Real investment in education in Canada, by gender and education level, 1976 to 2005

Table summary
This table displays the results of real investment in education in canada. The information is grouped by year (appearing as row headers), total, male, female, grades 0 to 8, high school and college or above, calculated using billions of 2002 dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).

Year Total Male Female Grades 0 to 8 High school College or above
  billions of 2002 dollars
1976 368.7 221.2 149.7 143.5 147.5 83.4
1977 366.4 219.6 148.8 139.1 146.9 84.5
1978 364.4 216.5 149.7 133.8 145.6 87.5
1979 361.2 213.3 149.5 129.7 143.9 89.2
1980 361.4 213.3 149.7 127.1 142.9 92.5
1981 365.4 215.2 151.7 129.5 141.1 97.2
1982 371.0 218.7 153.9 128.3 140.5 104.4
1983 391.3 225.1 166.7 126.9 141.7 123.2
1984 390.6 224.2 166.8 125.8 138.2 127.4
1985 392.5 223.7 169.1 124.7 138.2 130.1
1986 391.4 221.0 170.5 120.0 141.2 129.7
1987 404.7 227.8 177.0 125.6 146.6 132.2
1988 410.2 229.8 180.3 127.1 147.9 134.9
1989 413.5 231.5 181.9 129.5 147.5 136.6
1990 418.2 234.3 183.8 131.4 146.6 140.7
1991 439.4 247.2 192.1 132.5 155.7 150.7
1992 446.1 252.8 193.5 133.5 163.5 148.9
1993 448.6 254.6 194.3 133.9 166.7 147.9
1994 446.2 252.8 193.6 134.2 164.9 147.0
1995 450.0 253.9 196.1 135.3 166.7 147.9
1996 442.2 250.5 191.8 136.1 160.6 145.6
1997 453.3 256.7 196.8 139.5 167.1 147.2
1998 455.2 256.9 198.5 138.9 169.0 147.9
1999 456.7 257.0 199.9 138.7 171.9 146.9
2000 464.8 260.1 204.7 138.5 171.9 154.9
2001 471.7 263.0 208.7 139.1 172.3 160.6
2002 476.9 265.9 211.0 138.7 171.7 166.5
2003 471.8 264.3 207.5 137.4 159.8 175.1
2004 469.5 262.7 206.8 135.1 157.0 178.7
2005 469.9 262.0 207.8 132.6 158.8 180.1
Statistics Canada, authors' calculations.
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