Table 4
Monthly rent as a function of rental dwelling characteristics and location, Census

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Monthly rent as a function of rental dwelling characteristics and location, Census: Part 1
Independent variables Estimates
  coefficient p-value
Constant 4.74 0.000
Number of rooms  
Number of bedrooms 0.19 0.000
Number of bedrooms squared -0.01 0.000
Number of other rooms 0.06 0.000
Number of other rooms squared -0.004 0.000
Dwelling types (single detached, excluded category)  
Apartment in building of less than 5 stories -0.07 0.000
Apartment in building of 5 or more stories -0.05 0.000
Row house or semi-detached houses -0.05 0.000
Mobile home -0.01 0.063
Condition of dwelling ( no repair needed, excluded category)  
Need major repairs 0.01 0.000
Need minor repairs 0.01 0.000
Period of construction of dwelling ( built in the recent 5 years, excluded category)  
Built 6 to 10 years ago -0.14 0.000
Built 11 to 20 years ago -0.25 0.000
Built more than 20 year ago -0.26 0.000
Rural -0.09 0.000
Rural-urban size (urban centre 1,000,000 or more, excluded category)  
Urban centre less than 30,000 0.02 0.086
Urban centre 30,000 to 99,999 0.09 0.000
Urban centre 100,000 to 499,999 0.08 0.000
Urban centre 500,000 to 999,999 0.04 0.004
Dissemination area characteristics  
Median income (log) 0.17 0.000
With owned dwellings 0.18 0.000
Proportion of dwellings that are apartments in building of smaller than 5 stories 0.05 0.000
Proportion of dwellings that are apartments of 5 or more stories 0.13 0.000
Proportion owned dwellings -0.25 0.000
Proportion of dwellings built 20 years ago 0.01 0.039
Proportion of dwellings needing major repairs -0.01 0.381
Log median value of owned houses -0.01 0.000
Proportion of university-educated adults 0.35 0.000
Proportion of population aged 65 or over 0.18 0.000
Proportion of population aged 17 or younger -0.12 0.000
Proportion of lone parent families -0.18 0.000
Proportion of low income individuals -0.57 0.000
Monthly rent as a function of rental dwelling characteristics and location, Census: Part 2
  Diagnostic statistics
Number of observations 729,622
R-squared 0.33
Root mean squared error 0.42
Census of population (2006).