Appendix Table 1
Linkage of ASM to RDCI database by business number, 2000 to 2009

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Appendix Table 1
Linkage of ASM to RDCI database by business number, 2000 to 2009
Table summary
This table displays the results of Linkage of ASM to RDCI database by business number. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Number of manufacturing businesses (ASM) , Total number of businesses (RDCI) , Number of manufacturing businesses (RDCI) and Overall link to ASM, calculated using number units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Number of manufacturing businesses (ASM) Total number of businesses (RDCI) Number of manufacturing businesses (RDCI) Overall link to ASMAppendix Table Note 1
2000 52,651 11,408 5,065 5,468
2001 53,316 12,662 5,411 6,007
2002 53,375 13,945 6,032 6,859
2003 53,196 16,442 7,132 8,036
2004 47,719 18,969 8,192 8,693
2005 47,870 20,746 8,921 9,236
2006 48,350 22,003 9,550 9,937
2007 51,993 23,803 9,904 10,093
2008 50,780 25,202 10,218 10,465
2009 48,993 25,685 9,974 10,354
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