Table 3
Distribution of private incorporated business owners who are immigrants, by source region at arrival, 2010

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Table 3
Distribution of private incorporated business owners who are immigrants, by source region at arrival, 2010
Table summary
This table displays the results of Distribution of private incorporated business owners who are immigrants Distribution of immigrant owners, calculated using number, percent and share of taxfilers units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Distribution of immigrantNote 1 owners
number percent share of taxfilers
Source region at arrival  
Unknown 8,990 5.1 0.049
English-speaking 27,750 15.6 0.068
Western Europe 12,100 6.8 0.070
Eastern Europe 18,930 10.6 0.047
North Africa and the Middle East 27,940 15.7 0.050
Africa, except North Africa and Middle East 3,010 1.7 0.017
India and the region 32,660 18.3 0.061
China and the region 21,920 12.3 0.052
Latin America 7,620 4.3 0.016
Southeast Asia 17,090 9.6 0.033
All source regions 178,020 100.0 0.046
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