Table 4
Dynamic Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions of the narrowing of the gender log wage gap

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Dynamic Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions of the narrowing of the gender log wage gap
Table summary
This table displays the results of dynamic Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions of the narrowing of the gender log wage gap. Two periods are considered: 1981 to 1998; and 1998 to 2011. Two samples are examined: workers aged 17 to 64; and workers aged 25 to 54. The row headers describe the periods considered and, for each period, the portion of the narrowing of the gender wage gap explained by selected worker and job characteristics. The column headers describe the samples considered and, for each sample, identify whether the explained components are measured in absolute value (number) or in percentage points (percent).
  Workers aged 17 to 64 Workers aged 25 to 54
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
  number percent number percent
1981-to-1998 change in the gender log wage gap -0.073 100.0 -0.072 100.0
Portion explained by  
Age -0.005 6.7 0.004 -5.6
Education -0.011 15.8 -0.011 15.0
Province 0.002 -2.5 0.004 -4.9
Union status -0.004 5.8 -0.003 3.8
Marital status -0.006 8.6 -0.009 13.2
Tenure -0.027 37.6 -0.026 36.1
Occupation -0.020 27.1 -0.022 31.0
Industry -0.019 26.3 -0.021 28.7
Total portion explained -0.091 125.4 -0.084 117.3
Portion unexplained 0.018 -25.4 0.012 -17.3
1998-to-2011 change in the gender log wage gap -0.056 100.0 -0.060 100.0
Portion explained by  
Age 0.002 -2.8 0.002 -3.1
Education -0.006 10.5 -0.008 14.1
Province 0.003 -4.6 0.003 -4.8
Union status -0.006 11.4 -0.007 11.5
Marital status -0.001 1.3 -0.001 1.9
Tenure -0.004 7.3 -0.004 6.4
Occupation -0.010 18.0 -0.014 23.5
Industry 0.002 -2.8 0.000 0.7
Total portion explained -0.021 38.4 -0.030 50.3
Portion unexplained -0.035 61.6 -0.030 49.7
Statistics Canada, authors' calculations based on the 1981 Survey of Work History and the 1998 to 2011 Labour Force Survey.
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