Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Report, 2020
Goal 2, Zero Hunger

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Release date: October 20, 2020

Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 2, Zero Hunger

Description: Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 2, Zero Hunger

45% of Canadian farms made land management improvements* between 2013 and 2017.

Note: Farms refers to all crop producing farms. Land management improvements, such as shelterbelts/windbreaks and drainage improvements, are measures taken to prevent land degradation, restore nutrients, and improve hydrology.

Source: Statistics Canada, table 32-10-0208-01.

Sustainable Agriculture

40% of Canadian agricultural operations had an environmental farm planNote 1 in 2017

28% of Canadian field crop operations used GPSNote 2 to target or vary fertilizer application rates in 2017


Note 1

An environmental farm plan is a formal, written overall assessment of environmental issues or concerns related to an agricultural operation.

Return to note 1 referrer

Note 2.

Using GPS to target or vary crop input application increases input use efficiency and reduces spray drift and nutrient/chemical loss from agricultural fields.

Return to note 2 referrer

Sources: Statistics Canada, tables 32-10-0205-01 and 32-10-0207-01.

Community Spotlight

Breakfast Club of Canada is a Canada-wide organization that seeks to provide a nutritious morning meal to as many children as possible before school in order to foster a healthy learning environment. Founded in 1994, the Club now helps feed 220,426 students in 1,643 schools each morning.

Source: Breakfast Club of Canada

Household food insecurity

8.7% of households

  • In 2017/2018, 1.2 million Canadian households experienced moderate to severe food insecurity

12.0% of people living alone

  • People living alone experienced a higher rate of food insecurity than couples

25.1% of female lone parent households

  • Female lone parent households had the highest rate of food insecurity

Note: Food insecurity includes households that are both moderately food insecure and severely food insecure as adopted from Health Canada’s model of food security status.

Sources: Statistics Canada, table 13-10-0385-01; Health Canada, Household Food Insecurity in Canada: Overview.

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