The Business & Community Newsletter – January 2016

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The Business & Community Newsletter

Feature articles

In the January edition of the newsletter, we are putting the spotlight on data from the Canadian Survey on Disability.

From Terry Fox's cross-Canada run after a leg amputation to Rick Hansen's 26-month/40,000 km trek in a wheelchair, there have been many iconic Canadian moments that have challenged our stereotypical perceptions and vocabulary around disability. Meanwhile, over the years we have seen a growing presence and participation of people with disabilities in every sphere of activity: work, leisure, sports, arts, academics, science and politics. Today in Canada, about half of all working-age people with disabilities are employed and over three quarters of them are full-time workers.

Canadian Survey on Disability

The purpose of the Canadian Survey on Disability is to provide information about Canadian adults whose daily activities are limited because of a long-term condition or health-related problem. This information will be used to plan and evaluate services, programs and policies for adults with disabilities to help enable their full participation in Canadian society.

To access the latest data tables on the income characteristics of Canadians with disabilities, simply go to Canadian Survey on Disability: Data tables, 2012

Study: A profile of the labour market experiences of adults with disabilities

Data from the Canadian Survey on Disability offer opportunities for analysis of disability-specific aspects of employment, such as barriers encountered by people with disabilities, workplace accommodations needed and whether those needs are met, perceptions of disability-related discrimination in the work environment, and labour force discouragement among those who are neither working nor looking for work. This report aims to provide information to employers, and to spark further research in the area of disability and employment.

Here are some highlights from the Study: A profile of the labour market experiences of adults with disabilities, 2012.

The labour market disadvantage experienced by people with disabilities comes in many forms:

  • Modified/reduced hours was the workplace accommodation most needed by people with disabilities who were employed and those with the potential to work. And while this was the need most commonly met by employers, modified/reduced hours was also the reason most frequently identified as a barrier to career advancement.
  • Education and skills development are integral to closing the employment gap between people with and without disabilities. For instance, the gap was narrowest between those with postsecondary credentials.
  • Many people with disabilities with the potential to work wished to improve their skills through training. However, once out of employment, potential workers are less likely to seek out or have access to training.
  • Youth with disabilities are at a comparative disadvantage, with relatively low employment levels while still in school, and weaker labour force attachment after graduation.

These are complex issues requiring creative solutions, and many employers are working with their employees with disabilities to ensure a supportive workplace. Additional information incorporating the perspectives of employers and service providers is important for continued progress toward full participation in employment of people with disabilities.

Developmental disabilities among Canadians aged 15 years and older, 2012

The Canadian Survey on Disability is a national survey of Canadians aged 15 and over. For this survey, Canadians with developmental disabilities must have been diagnosed by a health practitioner, and their disability did not need to limit their daily activities.

According to the 2012 Canadian Survey on Disability, 3,775,900 (13.7%) Canadians aged 15 years and older reported some type of disability, and 160,500 (0.6% of Canadian adults) were identified as having a developmental disability. It is important to note, however, that this refers only to the population living in private households and does not include those living in institutions. The most prevalent underlying developmental conditions reported on the survey were autism, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome.

The prevalence of developmental disabilities is highest among young adults. More than half of this population had less than a high school education; and among those who were in school, there were high levels of requirements for educational aids and supports. Over one quarter had left their community to attend school because of their disability.

These disadvantages in terms of education follow into the labour market, where less than one quarter of adults with developmental disabilities were employed; and even among those who were employed, there were high rates of part-time employment and low levels of earnings.

For more details, consult Developmental disabilities among Canadians aged 15 years and older, 2012

Numbers in focus

Every month we put a couple of interesting numbers in the spotlight!

Numbers in Focus - 13.7%
Numbers in Focus - 13.7%

Data from the 2012 Canadian Survey on Disability revealed that about 3.8 million Canadians aged 15 and older (13.7 of the population) reported having a disability and 160,500 (0.6% of Canadian adults) were identified as having a developmental disability.

Numbers in Focus - 50%
Numbers in Focus - 50%

Close to half of working-age people with disabilities are employed.

Source: Data from the 2012 Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) and 2011 National Household Survey (NHS)

What's new?

Video – What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

Gross Domestic Product - ThumbnailStatistics Canada produces videos on a variety of topics that make complex information and ideas easy to interpret by telling a visual story.

Here is a short animated video titled "What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?" This video defines the value-added GDP and details how it is measured.

2016 Census adult education kits

New educational resources on the 2016 Census are now available.

The 2016 Census "Adult Education Kit" was developed for use in adult literacy and English or French second-language classes.

The kit contains five activities that provide opportunities for listening, speaking, reading and writing. The activities help students become familiar with the Census of Population, and to gain an understanding of how the census works and how information obtained through the census is used.

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