Business Conditions in Canada, third quarter of 2023

Release date: August 28, 2028
Infographic: Business Conditions in Canada, third quarter of 2023
Description: Business Conditions in Canada, third quarter of 2023

Business expectations over the next three months
56.6% expect rising inflation to be an obstacle
52.9% expect profitability to remain relatively unchanged
47.7% expect the shortage of labour, or recruiting or retaining skilled employees to be an obstacle
44.7% expect the rising cost of inputs to be an obstacle
42.5% expect rising interest rates and debt-related costs to be an obstacle

Labour-related obstacles over the next three months
33.7% expect recruiting skilled employees to be an obstacle
30.3% expect the shortage of labour to be an obstacle
26.8% expect retaining skilled employees to be an obstacle

Environmental practices and barriers
68.4% have at least one environmental practice in place, such as reducing waste, reducing energy or water consumption, or using recycled or waste materials as inputs
65.6% do not plan to implement additional environmental practices over the next 12 months
32.7% report that clients not willing to pay a higher price could be a barrier to adopting more green practices over the next 12 months
31.5% report that a lack of financial resources could be a barrier to adopting more green practices over the next 12 months

Fewer businesses expect supply chain challenges over the next three months
Table summary
This table displays the results of Fewer businesses expect supply chain challenges over the next three months Second quarter of 2023 and Third quarter of 2023, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Second quarter of 2023 Third quarter of 2023
Expect difficulty acquiring inputs, products or supplies from within Canada 16.5 13.8
Expect maintaining inventory levels to be an obstacle 10.6 8.1
Expect difficulty acquiring inputs, products or supplies from abroad 8.0 6.8

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Survey on Business Conditions, third quarter of 2023.

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