Immigrants’ perceptions of shared values in Canada, 2020

Release date: February 9, 2023
Infographic: Immigrants’ perceptions of shared values in Canada, 2020
Description: Immigrants’ perceptions of shared values in Canada, 2020

Perceptions of shared values refers to the extent to which a person feels that Canadians share values.

A proportionally larger number of immigrants than Canadian-born people believed that democratic values are shared “to a great extent” among Canadians, although this depended on their age at arrival, province and years since landing.

Perceptions of shared values in Canadian society among immigrants and Canadian-born people
Table summary
This table displays the results of Perceptions of shared values in Canadian society among immigrants and Canadian-born people Human rights, Respect for the law, Gender equality, Linguistic duality, Ethnic and cultural diversity and Respect for Indigenous culture, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Human rights Respect for the law Gender equality Linguistic duality Ethnic and cultural diversity Respect for Indigenous culture
13 years or older at arrival 70.1 67.3 55.9 46.9 51.5 41.8
0 to 12 years at arrival 56.5 43.6 30.5 24.4 32.0 20.4
Canadian-born 54.9 40.4 30.3 23.3 24.4 17.5

Perceptions of shared values in Canadian society among immigrants and Canadian-born people by province
Table summary
This table displays the results of Perceptions of shared values in Canadian society among immigrants and Canadian-born people by province Human rights, Gender equality, Ethnic and cultural diversity, Immigrant and Canadian-born, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Human rights Gender equality Ethnic and cultural diversity
Immigrant Canadian-born Immigrant Canadian-born Immigrant Canadian-born
Canada 67.1 54.9 50.3 30.3 47.1 24.4
Atlantic provincesPerceptions of shared values in Canadian society among immigrants and Canadian-born people by province Note 1 60.0 54.4 47.8 30.1 36.7 24.1
Quebec 65.0 56.6 48.4 37.0 40.9 23.0
Ontario 67.9 55.3 50.7 29.3 48.5 26.8
Manitoba 71.3 48.1 56.1 26.3 54.9 23.7
Saskatchewan 68.6 47.2 62.1 23.5 56.1 21.4
Alberta 66.0 51.8 47.8 23.9 47.4 20.3
British Columbia 66.9 57.0 50.3 27.9 46.8 25.5

Proportion of immigrants who reported that Canadians share values to a great extent by years since landing
Table summary
This table displays the results of Proportion of immigrants who reported that Canadians share values to a great extent by years since landing. The information is grouped by Years since landing (appearing as row headers), Human rights, Respect for the law, Gender equality, Linguistic duality, Ethnic and cultural diversity and Respect for Indigenous culture, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Years since landing Human rights Respect for the law Gender equality Linguistic duality Ethnic and cultural diversity Respect for Indigenous culture
0 to 5 years 76.7 71.7 61.2 56.3 56.3 45.6
6 to 9 years 71.3 62.5 61.9 49.8 55.8 45.1
10 to 19 years 68.2 63.4 54.8 45.1 51.1 39.0
20 years or more 61.9 57.6 40.9 33.1 39.4 31.0

Source: Schimmele, C., Stick, M., Karpinski, M., & Cissokho, S. (2022). Perceptions of shared values in Canadian society among the immigrant population. Economic and Social Reports, 2(12).

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