Providing care in Canada, 2022

Release date: April 3, 2023
Infographic: Providing care in Canada, 2022
Description: Providing care in Canada, 2022

The care economy as defined in this infographic refers to the provision of paid or unpaid care work to support the physical, psychological and emotional needs of children under the age of 15 and care-dependent adults (i.e., adults with long-term conditions or disabilities).

Women are more likely than men to provide care to children and care-dependent adults

  • 52% women
  • 42% men

The provision of unpaid care changes throughout a person’s life. For example, people in middle age are almost as likely to care for adults as for children.

Proportion of people who provide unpaid care to children and adults, by age group
Table summary
This table displays the results of Proportion of people who provide unpaid care to children and adults Unpaid care of children and Unpaid care of adults (appearing as column headers).
Unpaid care of children Unpaid care of adults
15 to 24 years old 18.1% 13.3%
25 to 34 years old 34.2% 11.0%
35 to 44 years old 59.5% 17.2%
45 to 54 years old 32.9% 26.3%
55 to 64 years old 17.6% 33.6%
65 years and older 16.7% 23.5%

31% of Canadians cared for children under 15 years of age
Table summary
This table displays the results of 31% of Canadians cared for children under 15 years of age percentage (appearing as column headers).
Unpaid 28%
Paid and unpaid 1%
Paid 2%
No care 69%

23% of Canadians cared for care-dependent adults
Table summary
This table displays the results of 23% of Canadians cared for care-dependent adults percentage (appearing as column headers).
Unpaid 20%
Paid and unpaid 1%
Paid 2%
No care 77%

Unpaid care duties caused more than half of caregivers to feel tired, with many feeling worried or anxious
Table summary
This table displays the results of Unpaid care duties caused more than half of caregivers to feel tired Men and Women (appearing as column headers).
Men Women
Tired 48% 62%
Worried or anxious 37% 50%
Overwhelmed 27% 45%
Disrupted sleep 26% 33%

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Social Survey – Well-being and Caregiving, 2022.

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