Going to college after finishing a degree

Release date: November 30, 2022
Infographic: Going to college after finishing a degree
Description: Going to college after finishing a degree

Nearly 1 in 5 collegeNote 1 students in Canada (19.4%) had previously completed a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Close to 1 in 10 Canadian-born collegeNote 1 students had previously completed a bachelor’s degree or higher.

More than 1 in 3 immigrant collegeNote 1 students had previously completed a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Share of collegeNote 1 students who had previously completed a bachelor's degree or higher
Table summary
This table displays the results of Share of college students who had previously completed a bachelor's degree or higher. The information is grouped by Province (appearing as row headers), Share (appearing as column headers).
Province Share
Newfoundland and Labrador 9.1%
Prince Edward Island 16.6%
Nova Scotia 17.2%
New Brunswick 13.5%
Quebec 10.8%
Ontario 25.8%
Manitoba 20.7%
Saskatchewan 17.7%
Alberta 19.4%
British Columbia 24.1%

Among collegeNote 1 students, women were more likely than men to have a previous bachelor’s degree or higher.Note 2

  • Women: 22.2%
  • Men: 16.0%

The most common collegeNote 3 fields of study for college graduates with a previous Canadian bachelor’s degree were :
Table summary
This table displays the results of The most common college fields of study for college graduates with a previous Canadian bachelor’s degree were :. The information is grouped by College field of study (appearing as row headers), Percentage (appearing as column headers).
College field of study Percentage
Human resources management and services 7.6%
Registered nursing specializations (e.g., critical care nursing) 5.7%
Allied health diagnostic, intervention and treatment professions (e.g., paramedic, respiratory care therapist) 4.0%

For more information, please consult The Daily: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/221130/dq221130a-eng.htm

Sources: Statistics Canada, Census of Population 2021 and 2016, Postsecondary Student Information System; Wall, Katherine. 2021. “Completion of a college certificate or diploma after a bachelor’s degree.” Insights on Canadian Society. April. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-006-X.

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