Business Conditions in Canada, fourth quarter of 2022

Release date: December 15, 2022
Infographic: Business Conditions in Canada, fourth quarter of 2022
Description: Business Conditions in Canada, fourth quarter of 2022

Business expectations over the next three months

79.6% expect to keep the same number of employees

58.4% expect rising inflation to be an obstacle

52.8% expect profitability to remain relatively unchanged

48.1% expect the rising cost of inputs to be an obstacle

39.4% expect rising interest rates and debt-related costs to be an obstacle

37.2% expect transportation costs to be an obstacle

32.4% expect to raise the prices of goods and services

Labour-related issues anticipated in the short term

35.5% of businesses expect the labour force shortage to be an obstacle

41.7% of businesses expect recruiting or retaining employees to be an obstacle,

Of businesses expecting this obstacle, 61.3% find recruiting and retaining staff more challenging than 12 months earlier

Supply chain challenges over the next three months

23.5% of businesses expect difficulty acquiring inputs, products or supplies from within Canada

12.8% of businesses expect maintaining inventory levels to be an obstacle

12.3% of businesses expect difficulty acquiring inputs, products or supplies from abroad

Of businesses that expect supply chain challenges over the next three months

33.3% reported that they plan to substitute inputs, products or supplies with alternate inputs, products or supplies over the next 12 months

32.3% reported that they plan to partner with new suppliers over the next 12 months

Liquidity and debt

77.3% of businesses reported having the cash or liquid assets required to operate for the next three months

74.7% of businesses do not plan to apply for a new business loan over the next three months

Of businesses that do not plan to apply for a new business loan in the next three months, 25.7% reported being unable to take on more debt

Sources: Statistics Canada, Canadian Survey on Business Conditions, fourth quarter of 2022.
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