Portrait of youth in Canada: Political participation and civic engagement

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Release date: July 19, 2022
Infographic: Portrait of youth in Canada: Political participation and civic engagement
Description: Portrait of youth in Canada: Political participation and civic engagement

Canadian youth are generally less likely to vote than older adults

Table 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1. The information is grouped by Voter turnout (appearing as row headers), 18 to 30 years, 31 to 46 years and 47 years and older (appearing as column headers).
Voter turnout 18 to 30 years 31 to 46 years 47 years and older
Last federal election (2019) 80% 86% 90%
Last provincial election 73% 85% 89%
Last municipal election 53% 68% 78%

However, many youth engage in non-electoral political activities

Table 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 2. The information is grouped by Top non-electoral activities (appearing as row headers), Participation rate of youth aged 15 to 30 (appearing as column headers).
Top non-electoral activities Participation rate of youth aged 15 to 30
Searched for information on a political issue 67%
Signed an Internet petition 48%
Boycotted or chose a product for ethical reasons 37%
Expressed views on an issue through an Internet forum or news website 24%
Wore a badge or T-shirt, or displayed a lawn sign in support or opposition of a political or social cause 15%
Participated in a demonstration or march 14%

More than half of youth participate in sports or recreational activities

Table 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 3. The information is grouped by Top 5 groups, organizations or associations (appearing as row headers), Participation rate of youth aged 15 to 30 (appearing as column headers).
Top 5 groups, organizations or associations Participation rate of youth aged 15 to 30
Sport or recreational organization 53%
Cultural, educational or hobby organization 34%
School group, neighbourhood, civic or community organization 26%
Union or professional association 24%
Religious-affiliated group 17%

The formal volunteer rateNote 1 was 46% among youth 15 to 30 years of age, compared with 44% for those aged 31 to 46 and 38% among those 47 years and older.

Note: Unless otherwise specified, youth are defined as those 15 to 30 years old.

Source: Arriagada, P., F. Khanam and Y. Sano. 2022. “Political participation, civic engagement and caregiving among youth in Canada.” Portrait of Youth in Canada: Data Report. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 42-28-0001.

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