Accounting for ecosystem change in Canada: selected findings from Human Activity and the Environment, 2021.

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Release date: January 25, 2022
Infographic: Accounting for ecosystem change in Canada: selected findings from Human Activity and the Environment, 2021.
Description: Accounting for ecosystem change in Canada: selected findings from Human Activity and the Environment, 2021.

The title of this infographic is “Accounting for ecosystem change in Canada: selected findings from Human Activity and the Environment, 2021.”

On the page there are four columns, from left to right: Ecosystem type, Ecosystem extent, Condition and drivers, and Services and benefits. The rows are categorized by the first column heading - Ecosystem type.

Accounting ecosystem change in Canada: selected findings from Human Activity and the Environment, 2021
Table summary
This table displays the results of Accounting ecosystem change in Canada: selected findings from Human Activity and the Environment. The information is grouped by Ecosystem type (appearing as row headers), Ecosystem extent, Condition and drivers and Services and benefits (appearing as column headers).
Ecosystem type Ecosystem extent Condition and drivers Services and benefits
Settlements 11% - Percentage growth of built-up and artificial surface area between 2000 and 2015 76% - Percentage of population centre area classed as 'green' in summer 2019 3.7 grams - Quantity of air pollutants filtered annually per square metre of urban tree cover
Agro-ecosystems 64% - Proportion of Canada's directly modified land used for agriculture 515 m - Longest average distance to a parcel of natural land, occuring in the Prairies $28.1 billion - Contribution of primary agriculture to GDP in 2018
Forests 36% - Percentage of Canada's landmass covered by forest 1% - Average percentage of total forest area harvested or burned annually between 1986 and 2019 205 tonnes per hectare - Average amount of carbon stored in Canada's managed forests
Wetlands 11% - Percentage of Canada's landmass covered by organic wetland known as peatland 1.7 °C - Average annual increase in air temperature over peatlands from 1948 to 2016 147 gigatonnes - Amount of carbon stored in Canada's boreal and subarctic peatlands
Freshwater 13% - Percentage of inland area covered by freshwater 3.3 °C - Average increase in winter air temperature over freshwater from 1948 to 2016 36.8 billion m3 - Amount of water used by industry and households in 2017
Oceans 5.75 million km2 - Area included in Canada's exclusive economic zone 19% - Decline in 10-year average Arctic ice coverage between the 1980s and 2010s 784,000 tonnes - Fish, shellfish and marine plants harvested in 2019
Canada 9% - Percentage of Canada's landmass is directly modified 7 °C - Largest average increase in winter air temperature in Canada from 1948 to 2016, occurring in northwestern Canada 16.1 million - Number of visitors who enjoyed the nature of Canada’s national parks in 2019
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