Trade and Gender: The Canada–Chile Story, a 2020 Update

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Release date: May 7, 2021
Infographic: Trade and Gender: The Canada–Chile Story, a 2020 Update
Description: Trade and Gender: The Canada–Chile Story, a 2020 Update

Trade and Gender: The Canada–Chile Story, a 2020 Update

Since the Canada–Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) took effect in 1997, bilateral merchandise trade between the two countries has increased almost fourfold.

In 2019, Canada exported $878 million in goods to Chile and imported $1.6 billion worth of goods.

In Canada, 4,771 jobs are directly or indirectly supported by merchandise exports to Chile,  1,528 of which are occupied by women.

Table 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1. The information is grouped by Top 5 Industries (appearing as row headers), Number of jobs occupied by women that are supported by exports to Chile (appearing as column headers).
Top 5 Industries Number of jobs occupied by women that are supported by exports to Chile
Wholesale trade 231
Crop and animal production 183
Transportation and warehousing 111
Finance and insurance 105
Chemical manufacturing 99

Almost 1,300 Canadian businesses traded with Chile in 2017.

Women-owned and equally-owned Canadian businesses played a much bigger role in import than in export. Most of these businesses had fewer than 50 employees.

Table 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 2 Export value, Import value, Exporters and Importers (appearing as column headers).
Export value Import value Exporters Importers
Women-owned and equally-owned businesses in 2017 12.8% 25.6% 17.8% 25.6%
Men-owned businesses in 2017 87.2% 74.4% 70.3% 74.4%

These numbers are encouraging but there is more room for women and women-owned businesses to take advantage of trade opportunities. Under the CCFTA’s Trade and Gender chapter, Canada and Chile are working together to make it a reality.

Note: Women-, men- and equally-owned businesses refer to private Canadian-controlled Corporations. The reported proportions are for corporations for which data on the owner's gender are available.

Developed in partnership with Global Affairs Canada.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Canadian Employer-Employee Dynamics Database, 2017, Trade by Exporter Characteristics, 2017, Trade by Importer Characteristics, 2017, and Canadian International Merchandise Trade Database 2019.

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