Celebrating Canadian resilience on Canada Day

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Infographic: Celebrating Canadian resilience on Canada Day
Description: Celebrating Canadian resilience on Canada Day

Celebrating Canadian resilience on Canada Day

This Canada Day feels a little bit different. We may be physically apart, but we’re facing these challenges together.

While Canadians are anxious about their own health, it says a lot that we’re more concerned about the health of others.

Table 1
Concerns expressed by Canadians about COVID-19 impacts, March and April 2020
Table summary
This table displays the results of Concerns expressed by Canadians about COVID-19 impacts Very or extremely concerned, calculated using pecent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Very or extremely concerned
Their own health 36
The health of someone in the household 54
The health of vulnerable people 79
Overloading the healthcare system 84

We care about each other, and we want to help.

  • 42% were very or extremely concerned about their ability to cooperate and support one another during the crisis.

And we’re doing what we can to keep our friends, our families, and our communities safe.

Table 2
Main precautions taken by Canadians as a result of COVID-19, March and April 2020
Table summary
This table displays the results of Main precautions taken by Canadians as a result of COVID-19 Percent (appearing as column headers).
Washed their hands more regularly 92
Avoided leaving house 90
Avoided crowds and large gatherings 87
Used social distancing when out in public 87

While we’re finding new ways to show our loved ones we care in an age of physical distancing, we’re also finding new ways to care for ourselves.

Table 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 3. The information is grouped by Activity (appearing as row headers), Percent (appearing as column headers).
Activity Percent
Communicated with family/friends 92
Exercised outdoors 63
Exercised indoors 61
Changed food choices 38
Meditated 26

Canadians are resilient, and we’ll get through this together.

Happy Canada Day.

Sources: Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 1: Impacts of COVID-19, March and April 2020, Canadian Perspective Survey Series 1: Impacts of COVID-19 (5311),
Canadian Perspectivs Survey Series 1: Impacts of COVID-19, March and April 2020, Canadian Perspective Survey Series 1: Impacts of COVID.

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