Activities and concerns of Canadian youth during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Infographic: Activities and concerns of Canadian youth during the COVID-19 pandemic
Description: Activities and concerns of Canadian youth during the COVID-19 pandemic

Activities and concerns of Canadian youth during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Between March 29 and April 3, Statistics Canada collected information via a new web panel survey in the Canadian Perspectives Survey Series. More than 4,600 people in the 10 provinces responded to this survey. About 22% were youth aged 15 to 30 years.
  • 40% of youth reported excellent or very good health.
  • Activities engaged in by youth aged 15 to 30

Table 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1 percent (appearing as column headers).
Communication with friends and family 93.6
Exercise indoors 66.8
Exercise outdoors 62.3
Changing food choices 39.7
Meditation 22.7
  • Concerns of youth aged 15 to 30 about the impact of COVID-19

Table 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 2 percent (appearing as column headers).
Health of vulnerable people 86.5
Overloading the health system 85.9
Health of the world's population 65.4
Health of the Canadian population 61.6
Health of a household member 52.0
Civil disorder 47.3
Ability to cooperate during crisis 37.8
Ability to cooperate and support one another after the crisis 36.1
Family stress due to confinement 36.1
Maintaining social ties 34.3
My own health 21.0

Source: Canadian Perspectives Survey Series, March/April 2020.

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