Postsecondary graduates in Canada: Class of 2015

Release date: November 5, 2019

Infographic: Postsecondary graduates in Canada: Class of 2015
Description: Postsecondary graduates in Canada: Class of 2015

Postsecondary graduates in Canada: Class of 2015

420,300 students graduated from a postsecondary institution in 2015.

Median age at graduation: 24

Share of graduates:

  • Males - 42%
  • Females - 58%

40% of graduates pursued further postsecondary education after graduation.

46% of graduates participated in work-integrated learning such as a co-op placement, internship, practicum, clinical placement, etc.

Participation in work-integrated learning by level of study:

  • College - 57%
  • Bachelor's - 42%
  • Master's - 33%
  • Doctorate - 19%

Of graduates who did not pursue further postsecondary education after graduation in 2015:

  • 50% of graduates had student debt at graduation, with an average debt of $24,000.
  • 33% of graduates paid off their student debt within three years of graduation.
Debt source by share of graduates
Debt source Share of graduates
Government-sponsored student loans 53%
Other sources 25%
Both 22%

90% of graduates were employed three years after graduation, 83% of whom were satisfied with their job.

Employment after graduation
Level of study Employed Full-time Employed Part-time
College 88% 11%
Bachelor's 91% 8%
Master's 94% 6%
Doctorate 90% 10%
Figures do not add to 100% due to rounding.

Source: National Graduates Survey, 2018

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