Infographic: Charitable Giving in Canada

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Release date: December 16, 2015
Infographic: Charitable Giving in Canada
Description for Infographic: Charitable Giving in Canada
  • Total amount of donations in 2013 were 12.8 billions of dollars.
  • Numbers of donors were 24,051,000.
  • Proportion of donors - 82%.
  • Average annual amount per donor is $531.
Amounts donated to different types of organizations (in billions of dollars)
Organizations Billions of dollars
Religion 5.2
Health 1.7
Social Services 1.6
International organizations 1.3
Grant-making, fundraising and volunteerism promotion 0.7
Hospitals 0.6
Education and research 0.3
Environment 0.3
Development and housing 0.2
Arts and culture 0.2
University and colleges 0.2
Sports and recreation 0.2
Law, advocacy and politics 0.1
Women are more likely to give to a charitable or non-profit organization
Types of donations Women Men
Gave money 84% 80%
Gave food 66% 53%
Gave any clothing, toys or household goods 82% 70%
Older Canadians give more on average
Proportion of donors (%) Age Average annual amount per donor (in dollars)
67 15 to 24 207
81 25 to 34 364
85 35 to 44 427
87 45 to 54 664
87 55 to 64 681
86 65 to 74 715
85 75 and over 726

Source: 2013, General Social Survey – Giving, Volunteering and Participating

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