Table 2
Provinces/territories sending inter-provincial employees, 2004 to 2009

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Table 2 Provinces/territories sending inter-provincial employees, 2004 to 2009
Table summary
This table displays the results of table 2 provinces/territories sending inter-provincial employees. The information is grouped by (appearing as row headers), n.l., p.e.i., n.s., n.b., que., ont., man., sask., alta., b.c., n.w.t., y.t. and nvt., calculated using counts units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. N.W.T. Y.T. Nvt.
2004 17,579 3,631 16,124 14,133 91,640 69,138 13,305 24,255 46,487 43,629 1,745 1,808 1,587
2005 19,481 4,028 18,663 16,485 96,354 72,822 15,232 26,540 52,980 47,046 1,828 1,896 1,050
2006 23,083 5,000 21,448 17,865 100,282 84,478 16,160 29,899 58,396 51,428 1,823 1,997 977
2007 25,047 5,265 23,035 19,648 104,154 90,299 16,408 30,473 56,479 55,940 1,917 2,010 980
2008 26,817 5,505 24,550 20,071 106,194 95,797 16,830 31,214 59,318 61,426 1,863 1,956 1,287
2009 22,473 4,845 21,560 17,106 102,073 90,916 14,719 26,877 50,286 57,169 1,555 1,763 860
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