Previous annual reviews

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Wholesale Trade: The Year 2008 in Review, Analysis in Brief, no.79

Retail Trade: How the Provinces Fared in 2008, Analysis in Brief, no. 78 

Manufacturing: The Year 2008 in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 77 

2008 in Review, Canadian Economic Observer, April 2008 

International Merchandise Trade Annual Review, no. 65-208X2008000

Consumer Prices: The Year 2008 in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 76 


Canadian Agriculture in 2007: Better Farm Prices and Incomes as World Demand for Food Increases, VISTA on the Agri-food Industry and the Farm Community, October 2008 

Retailers Competing for Market Share: 2007 Retail Sales in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 75 

Consumer Prices: The Year 2007 in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 74 

Wholesale Trade: The Year 2007 in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 72

Retail Trade: How the Provinces Fared in 2007, Analysis in Brief, no. 71

Manufacturing: The Year 2007 in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 70 

New Motor Vehicle Sales: 2007 in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 69

Turbulent stability: Canada's economy in 2007, Canadian Economic Observer, April 2008 

International Merchandise Trade Annual Review, no 65-208X2007000


Retailers Competing for Market Share: 2006 Retail Sales in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 60

Retail Trade: How the Provinces Fared in 2006, Analysis in Brief, no. 57

Wholesale Trade: The Year 2006 in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 56

New Motor Vehicle Sales: 2006 in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 54

Year end review: westward ho!, 2006, Canadian Economic Observer, April 2007 

International Merchandise Trade Annual Review, no. 65-208X2006000


Canadian agriculture in 2005: a tough year in review, VISTA on the Agri-food Industry and the Farm Community, June 2006 

Manufacturing: The Year 2005 in Review, Analysis in Brief, no. 45 

An Analysis of the Transportation Industry in 2005, Analysis in Brief, no. 44 

Review of Non-residential Construction in 2005, Analysis in Brief, no. 43 

An Analysis of Consumer Prices in 2005, Analysis in Brief, no. 42 

Between the Producer and Retailer: A Review of Wholesale Trade for 2005, Analysis in Brief, no. 40

The Year in Review: The Revenge of the Old Economy 2005, Canadian Economic Observer, April 2006

International Merchandise Trade Annual Review, no.65-208X2005000