Statistics Canada
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Sales of food stores by major merchandise groups, Canada, 1998 and 2004

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Mechandise groups Food stores
annual growth rate
1998 2004
$ millions %
Garden products and hardware 286 698 412 16.1
Health products and personal care 2,650 4,921 2,271 10.9
All other goods and services 1,724 3,074 1,350 10.1
Household products and supplies 1,468 2,180 712 6.8
Tobacco products and supplies 2,709 3,790 1,081 5.8
Sporting and leisure equipment 561 758 197 5.2
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 43,263 51,638 8,375 3.0
Goods and services total 52,661 67,060 14,399 4.1
Source: Statistics Canada, Retail Commodity Quarterly Survey.